Halfway to Love and Le Fableux Destin D'Amélie Poulain

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I just wanted to take the time to thank you for reading, voting and commenting on this story, it truly means the world to me! Thank you for being patient for them to finally get together, through Dianne's many ridiculous suggestions and I hope that the happy ending was worth it!

I've written this over the past six months, with many gaps in between me writing anything at all so I want to apologise if chapters seem unconnected or the tone isn't quite fluid! 

If you have the time, I totally recommend watching the film that this story has been based on- Le Fableux Destin D'Amélie Poulain. It has been turned into a musical too if that's more of your kind of thing! I had to adapt it quite a lot to make it anywhere near appropriate to this universe (e.g. Dianne dressing up in a hotdog costume at a meet and greet rather than dressing as a nun in a sex shop) but it's one of my favourite films in the world and I have been wanting to write something based on it for a while, so thank you for letting me write this for you! (I am also blaming the film on the number of times that Dianne runs away from Joe as I wanted to stick closely to it for that!)

Anyway, I was so close to not uploading this and discarding it completely, and now I'm so glad I didn't! Thank you for reading! :) x 

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