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From that day onwards, the two were never apart for long. Dianne had had to put up with more teasing throughout the tour- the other dancers could always tell when he was texting her by the smile on her face. Joe visited her in almost every city she toured in, and she was so grateful. They didn't often have time to do anything special, but exploring a new place together was one of their favourite things to do. They found photo booths and took pictures in every city.

They'd been dating for almost four months before Joe asked her to be his girlfriend. Oti had been very thankful that he had got round to it, having had her roommate complain for the two previous months after the touring season had ended. When asked why he had taken so long, Joe had simply replied "I wanted to make sure you weren't going to run away."

Dianne had hit him playfully, laughing. "I'm done with running away from you." She said, before reaching up to kiss him sweetly.


It wasn't until a month later when Dianne realised that the UK was home. She was comfortable with the underground, could understand the thickest of west-country accents and had developed an obsession with cream tea. But more importantly than anything else, she had Joe and someone to call home too.

"What are you dreaming about?" he asked her, joining his girlfriend on his balcony and watched her as she stared out at the city. The sun was setting, the oranges and pinks framing the skyline. She'd always loved sunsets.

"Nothing. It's just-" she tried to explain, steading her voice by focusing on the sky rather than the man standing next to her.

He smiled at her hesitation. "What is it love?"

She turned to him. "I love you." She said quietly.

He grinned, smiling wider than she had ever seen him. He leaned into kiss her softly. "And I love you, I love you so much."


"Really. I love you Dianne Claire Buswell I love you." He smiled, and she leapt into his arms, laughing as he span her around in giddy happiness. Without her even realising, tears slipped down her face. Joe didn't do anything other than gently wipe them away with the pads of his thumbs.

"I'm good, don't worry about me." She laughed shakily.

"Yeah?" he enquired softly, stepping away from her slightly to give her some space.

"Yeah. I'm just a bit overwhelmed."

"Tell me about it. I've not done this before." He admitted.

She looked at him, shock present on all of her features.

"I haven't."

"Well you've made all my childhood dreams come true anyway, you didn't need any practice." She confessed shyly.

He smiled bashfully, and if it wasn't for the rapidly setting sun she would have been able to see the blushing of his cheeks.

It wasn't until a couple hours later when the two were curled up together on the sofa that the subject of dreams came up again. "Have you always been a dreamer, Di?" Joe asked her, seemingly out of the blue.

She turned to him, shifting in his arms to face him. "Yes, yes I have. As a kid, I dreamt of dancing and dancing and dancing and travelling the world and performing on stage and teaching people how to the dance and sunsets and sunrises and cities and beaches and falling in love. Name any dream that a little girl has and I dreamt it."

"How did that work out for you?"

"It's worked out pretty well. They've pretty much all come true." She replied, and he smiled fondly at her, pressing a gentle kiss on her hairline.

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