Chapter 31

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Harry's POV

My studio session went great with Tom and Tyler. They loved the ideas I came in with and we got one rough track down. Maggie being the inspiration. I can't help tapping the steering wheel to the beat of the song on the drive home. It's going to be a great driving song.

"Da-da-da-da. Da-da-da-da-da..." I hum along.

I pull into my driveway and make my way inside.


I drop my keys and put my bag down. I head into the kitchen and turn on the kettle.

"Maggie!" I shout again. Where is she?

I start looking around now. I walk through each room, calling her name as I go. Maybe she's napping. She doesn't strike me as someone who naps though. I head upstairs and into my bedroom. She's not in here. I look to where her luggage was but it's not there anymore. I guess she finally unpacked.

I head back downstairs. She must have gone out for a walk or something. I call her cell phone. It just keeps ringing. Weird. I decide to text her and notice that the last message I sent her to say I was on my way home from the studio says that she read it. She's so cute that she has her 'read' notification on.

Harry: Hey babe, I'm home from the studio. Where are you? Call me xx

I decide to go upstairs and have a shower. I'm sure she'll be home soon. I notice all of her bathroom stuff is gone, but I guess she just packed it up early for her flight later. When I get out of the shower, I get dressed and check my phone again. Nothing. Something's wrong.

I fly down my stairs and go straight to my security cameras. I rewind the feed. I can see my car pulling up outside when I got home. I rewind further. I see the gates open and another car coming in. It's a taxi. There's Maggie. She's loading all of her luggage that she just brought here into the taxi. Why is she going to the airport so early? Why is she bringing all her stuff? And why is she not answering her phone?

I try calling her again and this time I can tell she diverted the call to voicemail because it only rings twice. Why is she ignoring me? I try calling again. This time straight to voicemail. What the fuck? Did the pictures come out?

A few days ago, Jeff, my manager, told me that there's a person trying to shop around pictures of Maggie and I. Jeff tried to get more info but all that was said was that there were some partially nude photos of the two of us and the person was trying to start a bidding war. The person wasn't a photographer anyone was familiar with. They were not giving a preview either so we could confirm the photos and get an injunction. I knew Maggie would be upset. I asked Jeff if I could just pay for them and he said no, because we don't know if the guy will just turn around and sell them to someone else or release them anyways.

I go online and put my name in the search engine. The first article that comes up is a story about my ex moving out of my house. Shit! She must have seen this.

My intercom bell goes meaning someone is at my gate. Maybe it's her coming back. I rush to the intercom.

"Hello!? Maggie?"

"I have a delivery for a Mr. Styles."

"I didn't order anything." My assistant handles all my deliveries. I never receive packages at my house.

"I have your says...Styles," the man says, I can watch him on the camera as he reads off some paper on a clipboard.

"Who's it from?"

"Uhm...let me check," he flips the pages. "Here it is. Margaret Wilson."


"Yeah! I'll be right out to grab it."

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