your already dating

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Jenna- you and Jenna met at the school for visually impaired where you had volunteered at in your free time and you asked her out and are dating she had never seen what you look like this takes place when Jenna moves back to rosewood and you transfer with her to protect her 

Jenna- you and Jenna met at the school for visually impaired where you had volunteered at in your free time and you asked her out and are dating she had never seen what you look like this takes place when Jenna moves back to rosewood and you trans...

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your pov

I was in my new apartment with my girlfriend and I got hungry so I decided to ask her if she wanted to eat with me

y/n: Jenna I'm hungry you wanna go out with me to eat

Jenna: sure do you know what you want 

y/n: not really it still pretty new here do you have and recommendations

Jenna: well there's a restaurant called the apple rose  grill not too far here you want to go there

y/n: sure come on let's go get something to eat

Jenna: alright 

we walked out of the room with me helping her get around and outside to my car making sure she's in there correctly before I shut the door I put the name on my GPS and we are off to eat

Jenna: so we are starting school tomorrow do you know what your schedule is

y/n: yes I made sure to tell the office that I help you so we got the same classes 

Jenna: good I don't want to be alone feeling all those people staring at me whispering as if I can't hear them

y/n: I won't let that happen to you just say the word and I will take care of anyone you want me to

I said as I pulled into the parking lot

Jenna: aww you're so sweet. give me a kiss, please

y/n: ok but only cause you said please

I leaned over the center console and grabbed her hands and put them on my face and gave her a passionate kiss

y/n: I love you 

Jenna: I love you too

y/n: come on let's go 

Jenna: alright

we walked to the front door and almost went inside when I forgot i left my wallet in the car

y/n: Jenna I forgot my wallet in the car can you get us a table babe

Jenna: sure

y/n: here let me open the door

I opened the door and waited before she was in the restaurant before I turned on my heel and walked toward my car to get my wallet I grabbed it and made my way back and found Jenna pretty quick sat down at a table

y/n: sorry about that

Jenna: Its fine let's just order and go home 

y/n: ok

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