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While you were sitting at the edge of a smelly torn up couch you looks around and suddenly got the chills. You felt as if someone was starring Into your very soul, slowly turning around you saw that crazy bitch Toga smiling at you, she held her knife up a bit and ran her finger among the blade. Quickly turning back around you started twiddling your thumbs.

Across the room were Hawks and Dabi talking to each other, you couldn't hear a thing and didn't wanna get into more of Hawk's business so you kept your conversation with Twice going.

Dabi stared right into Hawk's eyes menacingly, Hawks gave the stare right back at him. They kept their gave on each other until Hawks broke the silence, "So what'd you do today? Ya know besides nearly giving my intern a concussion". He said in a playful tone before dabi quickly hissed at him, "Don't fucking play dumb with me Hawks, I'm not stupid, she more than just an 'intern' to you. She follows you around like a Dog all the time".

Dabs looked at you and shoved his hands in his pockets, "I've done my research on her just like I've done with almost everyone in this league and let me tell you. Her quirk is suspiciously similar to that Endeavor. Don't you think". Hawks rolled his eyes and thought for a second. "Don't stick your nose where it doesn't belong or you'll regret it". Hawks hissed at him before he was grabbed and pushed into a room.

He aimed one of this feathers to his neck, "Whats you're fucking deal with her anyways". The crusty burnt man shoved the feather away from his face and lightly chuckled, "If she gets in my way I'm-" "You're not laying any of your crusty fingers on her" Hawks interrupted him and got closer to him in a threatening pose. Dabi grabbed his neck and got nose to nose close, "You dragged her into this so Shut it. If she even tries to interfere I won't just kill her, I'll fuck and choke her right in front of you before I kill her"

Hawks forcefully pushed Dabi off of him and punched his jaw. He went to the door and swung it open, "Get up (Y/N) we're leaving"
You looked up from your conversation with Twice and saw he was troubled. "What's wrong? Are you ok?"
"I said let's go, NOW" He grabbed you by the waist and didn't hesitate before kicking a window open and flying off with you in his arms.

During the flight, Hawks had called your Homeroom teacher and told them you'd be staying at his place today, he mentioned something about you being in danger or something. You wondered if it had anything to do with what happened with him and Dabi back at the leagues hideout.
Once Hawks finally landed on his balcony, you were finally able to put your feet down on solid ground. You walked in and casually sat down on his couch as usual while he sat across from you this time.
There was a bit of silence at first before Hawks asked you, "(Y/N), how come you've never talked about your parents".
You quickly snapped at him defensively, "why don't YOU talk about YOUR parents"
He blankly stared at you and tongue popped, "Geez sorry, sensitive subject huh"
You sighed and shook your head a bit, "I'm sorry...I just didn't really have a great childhood. Ya know"
But little did you know, he didn't have much of a childhood himself. "Yeah I understand, my parents sold me off for a Six-Pack" He slouched over a bit as he looked at his hands.
Great, now you felt like shit for making him tell you. "Keigo..I'm Sorry you didn't have to say anything". He chuckled a bit and smiled, "Theres no need to apologize, the truth isn't always pretty but it's the truth. I was sold off and groomed to be a Hero and well, here I am. Having to do all the dirty work for the government"
He kept talking about how even though he loved his job he never actually had caring parents or anyone to be there for him while growing up.
"I understand, the only memory of my mom that I have was when she put me up for foster care at 8 years old".
Hawks patted his lap so you got up and went over to sit on him. "I never actually had a dad, I mean I Kinda did for a bit until my quirk manifested. I remember him packing his things away and called my mom a whore. After that I never saw him again"
He put his hand on your thigh and lightly kissed your shoulder. "And then?"
You stopped for a bit to try to connect your fizzy memory together, "Well my mom was working at some hero's agency as a secretary so I was usually always alone after I got back from school. OH! I remember she used to get these phone calls that would really upset her and after a few of them she put me up for foster care"

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