
235 18 15

I've been awake for barely 10 seconds, due to the repetitive shaking of my aunt.
I groan.

"What?" I whine and my aunt laughs.

"Get up sleepyhead, someone's on the phone for you." She says and I frown.

"Hello?" I ask as I press the phone again my ear.

"YOU ABSOLUTE MORON!" I hear someone yell. I flinch. I instantly know it's her.

"Hey is someth-" I start saying but she obviously cuts me off.

"Where the hell are you?!" She shouts into my ear. I close my eyes.

"In..my house?" I tell her.

"What the hell dude, you were supposed to pick me up like an hour ago!" She says frustrated. I can picture her moving her free hand all over the place.

"Wait what?" I take a look at the time.

"Ah shit" I mutter, mostly to myself.

"Yeah, shit." She says sarcastically. I cover my face with my free hand.

She and I were supposed to go to this book exhibit. She's been bugging me about it for days so I promised I'd take her.

"God, I'm so so sorry. Look, we still have time, it's not over until noon." I say. She sighs.

"Here's a proposal: I'll get ready and everything and I'm gonna pick you up in 15 minutes from now. What do you say?" I tell her as I push my curls away from my forehead.

"No, it's ok. I'm gonna have Matthew drive me and we can meet there. You'll have more time to get ready, don't pressure yourself." She says quietly.

"Come on, it's no big deal. Besides, I'm the one who stood you up, you should be mad and demand I get there as quickly as I can." I tell her and she slightly laughs. I smile, I love it when I make her laugh.

"You're damn right. But I'll stick to what I said. Take your time and I'll see you there, ok?" She says and sigh. I close my eyes for a second before answering.

"Yeah.. Yeah okay." I say. She mutters a soft 'see you' before hanging up.

God, I'm such an idiot. I really hate it when I do something that makes her mad or sad or disappointed.
I had even put an alarm! Sure, when I have school it works just fine. Might as well make you believe the end of the world is approaching!

I sigh and return to my room so I can get ready.


"Hey, I'm leaving." I shout while I open the door. Both my aunt and uncle shout 'okay' in sync as I step outside.

I get into my car and turn the radio on. "Take on me" softly plays in the background as I get on the road.

I really hope she's not mad.. She has every right to be, though, and I won't blame her if she is. But I can't stand it when she's mad at me. It's been a more than a year since the last time she got all irritated because of me. I remember it cause she'd ignore me for days and days, I felt awful. I thought we were back in base one, when she basically hated my guts. Though time passed and she came around.

As I reach the parking lot near the place where the exhibit is held, I try to shake those thoughts of my head. I have to stop being so dramatic. Yes, it is a fact that our friendship seems like the most fragile thing in the universe, but I have to be more confident about it. I mean, we've been best friends in three years.

I get out of the car and head for the auditorium near it. When I open the door, soft jazz music plays through the speakers. I look around the barely crowded place and then I spot her. I could recognize her anywhere.

She's wearing a plain black t-shirt and an open flannel over it, her basic blue jeans and her worn out white snickers.
Her auburn waves fall on her shoulders, per usual.

She doesn't really try to look fancy but I love her style. I think it's cool. She stands out, opposed to all those girls who try too much.

I catch her smile and instantly smile as well, just at the sight. Then I realize what she's smiling at. Or maybe who.

I can see a guy, his back facing me, talking to her. His hair is black and he's wearing a gray hoodie with some jeans.
My eyes snap upwards once I hear a laugh. Her laugh. I frown as I take in how amused she looks by whatever it is this mysterious guy told her.

A weird sensation fills me up at the sight. It's not like she's not aloud to talk to anybody else, of course she is. It's just.. this is so not like her. She usually is very ignorant. To everyone. Everyone but me. I have to admit, I kind of liked that.. I don't even know why.

Suddenly I catch her nodding and then the guy turns around, heading for the snacks table. When I see his face, my jaw drops.

Roy Gardner? Is she serious?

Hello fellas how are we? I'm personally am neutral, lol.😬✊
Also notice how it took him some time to realize she was talking to somebody? Love really makes everything else dissolve huh😳✋

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