three. friday night lights

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chapter three: friday night lights

chapter three: friday night lights

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As promised, Elliot made an appearance to complete his chemistry test before the game meeting, this time around he made sure to study and keep his head cleared of any misfortunes that could possibly happen within the next hour. Unfortunately, he's only 15 minutes into his test that his phone begins to buzz uncontrollably to which he receives an annoyed gaze from Mrs. Hale. She stops her movements and crosses her arms on top on her desk, "Mr. Dawson, you know the rules."

Elliot fumbles with his phone but quickly nods his head. He takes a quick glance at the messages, all of them coming from the team, letting him know he has 5 minutes to show up or they're starting without him. He also receives an annoyed text from Flash letting him know that if they lose, its on him.

Apparently he spent way too much time looking at his phone since Mrs. Hale clears her throat and looks between him and his phone. Elliot hurries to turn it off and gives her an apologetic smile, "Sorry."

While the date to retake his test was planted in his head like a parasite, reminding the team that he'll have to miss a meet went completely over his head. While Elliot is known for someone who doesn't commit, they didn't know that it meant for practically everything. It's almost like an underlying problem with him, something that branched off from just people. Unable to stick to plans, to ideas, to dates. For that, he refuses to see a therapist, afraid to be meet with the harsh reality of how horrible his life might actually be.

Elliot likes to live at the moment, surround himself with people and kiss who he wants when he wants, without restraints. Because at the end of the day, Elliot knows he'll end up alone. In every case, in every universe, he knows that no one is made for each other. It might be a cynical way to think of love but it's the only way he can live his life without feeling obligated to love someone.

Except Kitty and Jesse. They're the only pair Elliot can see living happily ever after. When they finally confess but that almost seems like a dream. They'll probably end up staying friends.

Fifteen minutes later, Elliot manages to finish his test with the same confidence he always has. He glances up at the clock to find that he still has time to make the meeting, even if he's late. Not bothering to look back at his answers he quickly grabs his things and hands his test in. He swings his book bag over his shoulder and smiles softly at Mrs. Hale, "Thank you for giving me a second chance!"

Mrs. Hale doesn't get the opportunity to comment anything as he slips out the door. She frowns slightly noting that he hadn't checked his answers, with midterms coming soon, she hopes he's able to maintain his grades.

Elliot is practically removing his clothes in the hallways to switch into his gym clothes since he's already late to his meeting. He manages to bump into a few kids staying after school and apologizes as he tumbles through the locker room. In record time, he's finally ready and runs outside to notice Coach Penn glaring at him with a distasteful look on his face.

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