five. failure number one

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chapter five: failure number one

chapter five: failure number one

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      The rest of the party dragged out after Peter's departure and the exchange between himself and Jolie. In fact, he forced his friends out of the party before eleven, which happens to be the earliest the trio have ever left the party scene. His decision did not go without complaints from his drunken friends as he drove them to their homes, not to mention receiving an ear from Jesse's mother about not texting her when they'll be back, once they sober up they'll definitely hit him with more complaints.

      While the rest of the weekend went by in an instant, Sunday evening felt everlasting with Elliot's back pressed against the soft mattress of his bed and his fan slowly turning. His eyes followed the blades as his mind took him back to Harry's party, the drink, the nosebleed, the girl. The feeling of her body forcefully being pressed against his, the icky smell of vodka, his eyes pleading for an exit. Everything came back. What could've happened. What didn't happen.

      Elliot sits up the second he feels something warm trickling down the side of his head and into his ear. Softly cursing to himself, he quickly wipes away the tears and reaches under his bed to reveal his old graffiti paints. There's absolutely no way he could ever let anyone know what exactly happen, he'd only get laughs from refusing to sleep with a senior, drunk or not. He chuckles almost humorlessly at the thought before he glances at the clock sitting on his nightstand. The numbers glowing in his almost dark room, 7:48 PM, he could've waited later but Sunday's were never really busy.

      Which leads to Elliot throwing rocks outside of Jesse's window, well his horrible aim causes them to hit the paneling of the house rather than his window, but he's determined to hit one on his window. Grabbing another one he presses his lips against the cold rock, for good luck, before he flings it towards his window. Unfortunately, for Jesse, he opens his window the exact moment the rock flies towards his direction. His face is scrunched up in confusion, eyes squinting to find the culprit, "What th—"

      The rock just happens to hit Jesse right in the middle of his face and he cries out in pain, holding onto his nose tightly. Elliot presses a hand over his mouth in surprise, "Aye! Dude! Oh my god, are you okay? Shit, do you want me to climb up?"

      Jesse's shouts a string of unintelligible words, so Elliot takes it as a sign to begin climbing up using the railing from his deck and the lower part of the roof to reach his window. He practically jumps inside Jesse's room, tumbling onto the hard wooden ground, and groans softly from the impact. Jesse hovers over his friend, blood staining his upper lip, giving him the blandest look he could muster, "Are you fucking serious?"

      At the simple glance of blood, Elliot is on his feet and tilting Jesse's face to make sure nothing is broken. However, Jesse isn't having any of it as he pushes Elliot's hands away and points towards the window with wide eyes, "Why didn't you just do that in the first place!?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2021 ⏰

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