Chapter 1: Lemon Shampoo

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Harry didn't know what to do. One moment, he had been anticipating the remaining six hours of the flight, and the next, the blond boy (Harry couldn't tell how old he was. He had the kind of face that was beautifully ageless. Of course, there was no way that he could have been much older or younger than Harry's seventeen years) sitting next to him in the center seat had his head on Harry's shoulder, fast asleep.

One the one hand, Harry didn't want to move, because the boy looked so comfortable and peaceful, his pale face relaxed, his pink lips slightly open with sleep. On the other, Harry didn't want the poor guy to wake up and be totally embarrassed. But oh, his face was lovely to look at as he slept, and Harry could smell the lemon shampoo from the boy's blond, blond hair.

I should really stop staring at his face and smelling his hair. This is gonna seem really creepy real soon. The woman in the window seat had been stealing glances at them, slightly disgusted and obviously slightly intrigued at what Harry would do next. Harry did not like the disgust in her eyes. Maybe he could just let the blond sleep a little longer, as long as he wanted, just to bug the hobbling toad who sat on the other side of him.

And just then, the sleeping boy curled more into Harry's side, grabbing onto his arm and pressing his side into Harry's. His ribs were pressed into the armrest, so Harry slowly used his right arm to lift it back up so that the blonde could be more comfortable. His fingers curled around Harry's arm were cold, seemingly sucking out Harry's heat, but he didn't mind. The blonde cuddled so tightly to Harry that there was almost no space between their bodies, and Harry looked over at the shriveled hag a seat over. Her eyes were so squinted with disgust, Harry found it nearly hilarious, (if he had known this blond boy, if they had been boyfriends, Harry would have kissed him senseless just to see how far her face could squint into itself) Harry sent a smirk over the boy's head. He settled in to watch a movie on his cell and smell the blond's hair, moving as little as possible.


Draco didn't know what to do. He had taken his seat on the plane, between an old, cranky bat of a woman and what could possibly be the most dazzling pair of green eyes he'd ever seen. He'd done his best to avoid being awkward, he made small talk with the other boy (although calling him a boy did him no justice, he was well built with slightly broad shoulders and messy, fluffy black hair that looked so soft, and he couldn't possibly be much younger or older than Draco and-) I'm obsessing. I've said about three sentences to this guy and I'm obsessing.

About two hours into the flight, Draco had gotten drowsy. Flying always made him sleepy, and it wasn't exactly a midday flight. No, they had departed at seven, much too late for Draco's taste, but it was the only flight he could get so last minute.

Draco could've sworn that when he slept, he kept to himself.

But when he woke up, Draco felt warmer than he ever had. His nose was filled with the scent of peppermint and cologne, and he was so comfortable that it was a miracle he had even woken up at all. But under his fingers weren't the sleek, silk sheets he covered his bed with. Under his head wasn't the ridiculously expensive down pillow he loved.

No, he was cuddled up to and wrapped around that gorgeous pair of green eyes he had been obsessing over. He had been sleeping on that pair of brilliant green eyes. Oh my- what if I drooled on him?! Of course, Draco had no intention of being embarrassed in front of those shoulders and that hair, and so he stayed exactly as he was, head snuggled into the crook of the boy's neck, arms wrapped around the boy's left arm, trying to keep his breathing even.

What do I do now? There was no way that Draco was willing to leave his place tangled within the boy's warmth, but he worried that he might have been making those green eyes uncomfortable. But wouldn't he have just pushed Draco off if he didn't like it at least a little?

And so, Draco drifted back off to sleep.


Harry had no idea how a person could sleep this long on a flight. (Not that he was complaining) There were only thirty minutes left before they arrived in London, and he had no idea what he would do when they landed. Would he just give the blond boy a nod and he on his way? No, there was no way that he was leaving the airport without the boy's number. Luckily, just at that moment, the boy moved, and he seemed to be awake. Oh, this was about to get good. The ancient crone in the window seat had also fallen asleep, and Harry was beyond grateful for that.

The boy seemed to jerk away once he realized he was tangled in Harry, and Harry couldn't even bite back a laugh; granted, he kept it small so as not to wake up the harpy a seat over.

The blond looked up, and Harry was met with the most stunning blue-grey eyes as they blinked open at him. The blush that rose to the boy's face was completely visible through his pale skin, and redder than a tomato, his neck flushing as well.

Harry smiled at him teasingly, "Awake at last?"


Draco's mouth went dry, his face felt so hot he was certain he could cook an egg on it. The black-haired boy was even more handsome than at first glance, with a roguish jaw and a twisted smile to his lips, Draco could barely string words together:

"I... I-uh... Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to sleep on you, I guess I was just really tired, I'm-"

The boy raised his hand to stop Draco from babbling his heart out and embarrassing himself further, with laughter in his eyes and a smile on his face. It was just then that Draco noticed the glasses perched on his nose, that somehow made his eyes stand out further.

"It's really okay, I don't mind," he stuck his hand out toward Draco. "I'm Harry, Harry Potter."

Draco looked at him for a second before he seemed to process that he was supposed to shake Harry's hand. "Draco Malfoy. I really am sorry."

"And it really is okay. Besides, you're cute when you sleep."

Harry smiled wider when Draco's face flushed red once again, this time reaching even his ears. Draco looked around for a second and realized that there were only a few other passengers who were actually awake, seeing as it was so early in the morning.

"Whatever," was his reply. "How are you even still awake at this hour?" Draco asked, a little surprised that his usual, slightly snotty self was able to come through in his words. Harry's smile faltered just the smallest bit, a little light leaving his eyes, only noticeable by Draco because, well, obviously, he was still obsessing over those green eyes.

"I dunno, I'm kinda used to being up so late. And I didn't want to make you uncomfortable or anything while you were sleeping."

Draco decided to drop that particular subject, he wanted to be the one to bring the light to Harry's eyes, not diminish it.

By the time the plane landed in London, Harry and Draco had woken up a few unhappy passengers around them with their laughter and constant talking. Harry had learned that they were both heading to the same boarding school, and it was a tragedy that they hadn't run into each other before then. Harry had asked Draco if he wanted to take a taxi together, and to his strangling relief, Draco's eyes had lit up when he said yes.

After getting their luggage and successfully shoving it into the trunk of the taxi, Harry was finally allowed to admire Draco's face once again.

The blond had fallen asleep on Harry's shoulder once again, and Harry could only hope that this would be the second time of many to come as he gently played with Draco's fingers, laying his head on top of Draco's to fall asleep as well. 

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