Chapter 6: Soap & Scents Essential

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Harry: Hey, does tomorrow work for you?

Draco: Yeah

Draco: Where might you be taking me?

Draco was at his desk, a smile creeping over his face despite knowing that Blaise would soon see it and interrogate him again. Harry had just texted him like he'd said he would; Draco couldn't even wait the standard five minutes before replying to seem like he hadn't been waiting for Harry to message him.

Which he surprisingly hadn't. He'd been too engrossed in his pencils, charcoals, his brushes, and paints. His hands were mindlessly swishing across the paper with familiar movements, the images coming to life before his eyes. Looking at his multiple papers now, he saw different renderings of the same pair of green eyes. Whether that be on the lion he'd used his watercolors for, the snake he'd used his charcoals on, everything had that same shade of shining green eyes.

He had only failed to capture the emotions that those green eyes always carried. Draco knew that he'd never be able to get them right unless he was looking at those eyes while he drew them. He just didn't know what Harry would think if he saw Draco's hands in action.

Draco's phone pinged.

Harry: It's a surprise

Harry: You okay with that?

Draco's smile widened into a full-blown grin. He stood from his desk chair, pacing before he responded.

Draco: I suppose. How are we getting to this mysterious place?

He tried to resist the urge. He really did. Nonetheless, Draco sighed dramatically and fell onto his bed, clutching his cell to his chest and gazing at the ceiling of his dorm with a dreamy expression on his face. He couldn't stop beaming.

"Someone's on cloud nine, eh?" Blaise said from the doorway. Draco didn't even bother moving to look at him. Instead, he closed his eyes and let out what must have been the most pathetic sounding high-pitched sigh he'd ever made. He could practically feel Blaise's eyebrows shoot up. He felt the bed dip down with his weight as Blaise sat on the bed next to where Draco had flopped on it.

Just then, the cell pinged again.

Harry: I have a car my godfather helped me buy, it's in the school's garage

"Harry asked me out."

"Like, on a date?"

"On a date."

Blaise hesitated. "I'm getting Pansy."

And so he did. The moment Pansy walked into the dormitory she said, "Spill everything. I can't believe you didn't tell me sooner!" Theo walked in behind her, a grin splitting his normally serene face. They all piled onto Draco's bed despite there being three others in the room, looking at him with expectant faces. "Well?" Pansy said, waving her hands for Draco to get on with the details.

Sitting up and feeling his heart fluttering in his chest, he quickly messaged Harry back.

Draco: What time were you thinking?

"So, after the football game last night," Draco recounted, taking a deep breath, "Harry asked me out on a date-" Pansy squealed loudly even though she already knew this part, "-and that's pretty much it. I told him I would love to."

"Hold up," Blaise said, "this doesn't explain why you were falling over yourself, nearly swooning when I first came here," he mimed fainting over Theo, who started snickering. Blaise stayed there as he continued, "I'm not even kidding, he literally fell on the bed, sighing like a Disney Princess with hearts in his eyes."

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