Chapter 21: I Missed You

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 It would be a blatant lie if Harry said he'd wanted to go to football practice just after returning to Hogwarts. But, nonetheless, that was where he found himself—running drills out on the field with his team. He'd barely had the chance to text Draco that he was back before he had to rush to the locker rooms and to the field.

It was truly ridiculous how much Harry had missed his boyfriend over the course of two and a half days. Enough that he'd caught himself wishing that he'd simply brought Draco with him. Stuffed him in with his luggage, perhaps. He'd certainly fit, even if it was a bit squishy. Harry's lips twitched into a laughing smile at the thought.

And although he knew that he should probably be focusing on his practice, seeing as the last game of the season, the one that would make or break their team, was four days away, Harry found himself drifting in his thoughts. It was lucky for him that Coach Hooch was more preoccupied with phone calls and paperwork than closely observing the team.

Slowly, though, he managed to get his mind under control. Moving through the motions of all the drills was both soothing and exhilarating. Harry felt as though a piece of himself was falling back into place as he ran, directed, and observed on the field. His body simply knew what to do. The scent of freshly cut spring grass was a familiar embrace to his senses. Warm sunshine shimmered in vibrant hues as the sun continued its descent towards the horizon.

It was only when Coach Hooch blew her obnoxiously high-pitched whistle and everyone slowed to a stop that Harry realized how much his team had improved. The way they moved together was like a synchronized symphony—completely in time with one another while performing wholly different parts. Theo in particular had improved exponentially since that last game he'd played in. He seemed to have finally found his place in the well-oiled machine that was the team.

"Remember that we have practice every day this week, except for Wednesday," Hooch said, her piercing eyes scanning over her lineup of football players. "Final game is on Friday, and I expect all of you to be playing just as well as you were today. Better, if you all can manage it." A few snickers, most likely from Fred and George, broke the serious atmosphere that had begun to settle over them. Both Harry and Hooch rolled their eyes—only Harry's didn't carry nearly as much annoyance.

"Alright, off with the lot of you." Hooch turned away, a reluctantly small smile on her thin lips.

Harry was alone in the steamy locker room when he heard the door open. A pair of soft, familiar footsteps followed before the door closed again, slowly coming closer. A knowing grin spread on his lips. Yet, he continued shuffling through clothes in his locker, trying to find a clean shirt.

Icy, soft hands suddenly trailed across the skin at Harry's hips, just at the hem of his shorts. That, combined with the cool breath fanning across his shoulder, made him shiver as goosebumps flowered across his skin. A familiar pair of silky lips pressed a delicate kiss between Harry's shoulder blades. Both relief and excitement poured in through every pore in his body, flooding his every sense.

A rumbling hum came from the deepest part of Harry's chest. His head tilted back of its own volition, his eyes fluttered closed. Those dainty hands explored Harry's abdomen, back, and chest with light touches before pale arms wrapped around his hips.

"Hi." Draco smiled against the nape of Harry's neck. "Someone's still as devastatingly handsome as ever, I see."

With a smirk on his face, Harry dropped the shirt in his hands and turned around to look at his boyfriend. His smiling, flushed, grey-eyed boyfriend. His boyfriend that was dressed in a white crop top that Harry had never seen him in before, along with his superbly tight black skinny jeans. The shirt's hem fell just below Draco's ribcage, and his pants hugged his legs in all the right places.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2020 ⏰

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