Chapter 8: Heaven

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 The past two and a half weeks had been complete heaven for Harry. They had been full of hand-holding and laughter, tender forehead kisses and heads on shoulders. Those almost-three weeks had been packed with smiles and sitting together at lunch. They were filled with lively banter and soft gazes and golden blushes.

Harry had managed to get closer to all of Draco's friends. He'd learned that Pansy loved the color green and giving surprisingly sound advice, that Blaise had a younger brother and sister-twins-that he absolutely adored. He'd managed to worm his way through Theo's tough shell, and now shared a smile and a wave whenever he saw the other boy.

He'd been getting better grades thanks to the help of his boyfriend (Boyfriend. Harry could still hardly believe that the beautiful blond boy he'd met on a late-night plane had become his boyfriend. Although Draco still managed to use Harry's shoulder as a pillow at breakfast, and whenever else they had the chance to sit down together, Harry felt that they had come a long way in such a short time. He knew that the progression of their relationship was fast, he knew, but he couldn't help but feel it was right). Draco was a sponge, soaking up every piece of information he was given, whether it be about English, history, or astronomy.

Harry hadn't had a chance to see his boyfriend in four days. Coach Hooch had been working the football team overtime to prepare for the game against Beauxbatons Institute. They'd had practice after classes, before classes, and Coach had ordered all teammates to spend lunch working out and going over strategy for the game, in hopes that they wouldn't lose this time. Harry was drained. What little free time he had was spent doing homework or sleeping. He knew that Hooch would lay off eventually, she couldn't overwork them or they'd be too beat to play, but he wished she would do it sooner.

Harry dropped down from the pull-up bar, surveying the rest of the gym to make sure none of his teammates were slacking off. He knew that they were all tired, he was tired, that they had been at this since classes ended when they should've been enjoying their Friday night. But if Coach walked in and saw idle bodies, the blame would fall on Harry's shoulders.

The same shoulders that just wanted to take a nap.

Luckily for him, and the rest of the football team, Coach Hooch walked in, blowing her neon orange whistle to get their attention. "Alright, you sweaty pigs, you're off for the night," at this, there were several sighs of relief and exhaustion among the already heavy breathing, "and take the weekend to rest up before we get started again Monday afternoon." Here there were mixed signals, hollers of joy for the weekend, and groans at the mention of Monday.

Harry felt the relief in his bones. Angelina Johnson, his best centerfield, whacked his arm as she walked with him towards the locker rooms. "Any plans for the weekend?" she asked with a tired smile on her face, a sheen of sweat over her face.

Harry ran a hand through his hair and down his face as he replied, "Sleep, Angie, sleep. And homework. And then more sleep."

"Oh? No plans with that new boyfriend of yours?"

She sent him a parting smirk before departing for the girls' locker room, leaving Harry to laugh to himself. He took out his phone from his shorts, looking at his screensaver—a picture Hermione took of Draco and himself, Harry kissing Draco's cheek as the blond boy laughed—for a moment before sending a message to his 'new boyfriend'.

Harry: Just got let off. You free?

The response was almost instantaneous as Harry opened his locker.

Draco: It's about time. Of course I'm free. I've been free for the past four days

Harry knew that Draco was slightly upset at Harry's absence in recent days, but he also knew—or hoped—that Draco wasn't really angry with him.

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