Chapter 13: Disqualified

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 The southern common room was humming with the sounds of students enjoying their Saturday off classes, and Harry was no different. His eyes fluttered closed and his head rolled back onto Draco's shoulder behind him, wholly relishing the other boy's hands kneading the muscles in his shoulders, neck, and back with practiced movements. A guttural sound that was startlingly similar to purring rumbled in his throat. They were both sitting across one of the couches, Draco sat behind Harry with his legs on either side of his own, Harry's back leaning against the smaller boy's chest. He was perfectly content to just stay right where he was, engulfed in his boyfriend's richly-scented aroma; lemons and something flowery, like lavender.

Blaise, Theo, and Pansy were all piled on top of each other on the couch facing theirs, while Hermione was seated on the floor near Harry's knees. A companionable sort of stillness filled the atmosphere around them, almost like a bubble had surrounded their little group. Pansy was testing her newfound skills on Blaise's hair—more difficult to braid thanks to the shortness of it, but that didn't stop her attempts. Theo was chatting with Hermione about the football tryouts that had taken place two days previous, which he had decided to participate in—if only to ensure that Cedric didn't make the team.

Harry was happy to be able to say that he had successfully driven off his ex-boyfriend. Cedric had nearly made a fool of himself with how hard he had tried to catch Harry's eye despite his paying attention to the other competitors. Harry had been attentively studying Theo, impressed by how much the boy had downplayed himself when speaking of his interest in football. He had some bloody excellent potential that Harry was sure he would be able to whip up into a formidable player in no time. He had been able to give Theo the spot on the team without favoritism clouding his judgment. Cedric had tried to corner him afterward, but Harry had efficiently put him in his place, as gently as he could manage. Afterward, Draco had practically dragged him to his dorm room, an easel and his assorted paints awaiting them.

Draco pressed his lips to Harry's temple, nuzzling his hair and sliding his hands from Harry's shoulders to his waist and around to his stomach, tracing random shapes and circles onto his shirt. Harry could feel his boyfriend's gentle smile against his skin, his delicate fingers leaving cool trails on his skin through his worn shirt. He felt Draco's heartbeat through his back, his own falling in time to match the rhythm. An almost drowsy feeling filled his head—only it was less like sleepiness and more like he was drunk on relaxation.

"We should do something today," Pansy complained, having given up on the intricate style of braid she had been attempting. Harry opened an eye to peer at her bored expression, the corners of his mouth lifted in amusement. He just settled deeper into Draco's body, surprised that the other boy wasn't crushed by his weight. Draco only shifted his hips to better fit him, cradling him with his body. (It was soothing, being wrapped up in Draco's body. He was a cooling presence, easing the heat that constantly overwhelmed Harry. Although Draco was the smaller of the two, there were times he insisted on holding Harry, demanded to be the one supporting him. And Harry loved every second of it: the coddling, the cuddling, all of it. He was usually expected to be the supportive one, the first one to offer a shoulder to cry on, the one that offered comfort, protection, love. And while he loved being that person, there were times that the pressure threatened to strangle him. But with Draco, it was more of an even balance. They were both there for each other, both of them supported one another)

"And what," Harry felt the vibration of Draco's voice in his chest as he spoke, the sensation soothing and pleasant, "were you thinking of doing, exactly? Because if it's not absolutely amazing, it's not worth leaving this couch."

Pansy's eyebrow raised and Harry let out a laugh, provoking her grin to widen.

"We could go to lunch, or something?" she suggested, "A movie?"

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