Chapter 10: I Promised I Would

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 Draco was upset with Pansy, to say the least. Her "emergency" had been nothing more than the fact that Terry Boot asked her to lunch and she didn't know what to wear. He'd been dragged away from Harry because Pansy hadn't known what to wear on a date. Ron might've gone in there while I was gone. Dammit, Pansy, just because I'm gay doesn't mean I know what the hell you should wear to a date, Draco cursed, once again opening the door to the northern common room. He hadn't been gone very long, an hour at best, and yet Ronald Weasley was already making out with Lavender again.

Does he... Does he even have a single brain cell functioning in that thick skull of his? Rolling his eyes and shaking his head, he walked through the doors to the boys' dormitories and headed straight for Harry's, familiar enough with the hallway that he was sure he could walk to Harry's room in the dark, or with his eyes closed. He couldn't believe the nerve of that red-headed git.

Walking into the room, he saw that Hermione had seemingly left; Harry was curled alone on the bed with his eyes closed, but somehow Draco knew that he wasn't asleep. He closed the door behind him and toed off his shoes before sitting on the edge of the bed, next to his boyfriend.

Harry's eyes shot open as soon as Draco touched the mattress.

"You came back," he muttered. Laying down, facing his boyfriend, Draco kissed Harry's forehead and snuggled into him.

"I promised I would, sweetheart." The smaller boy wound his arms around the other and placed another kiss on his nose. Those green eyes were gazing intently at him, a light in them that hadn't been there when Draco had left. He lifted his hand and traced the contours of his face. "Where'd Hermione go?"

Harry smiled and pressed his lips to Draco's own. "She didn't want to fall asleep here, she went back to her dorm."

The only response Draco could make was an acknowledging grunt in the back of his throat, Harry was kissing him again, and it was impossible to even think in coherent words. Draco slid his hands up the bigger boy's well-muscled arms, all the way up to his broad shoulders, into his soft black hair, all the while savoring the glide of his mouth against Harry's.

He felt warm hands around his waist, one slipping down to grasp his hip and bring him closer to Harry's body. Draco's shirt rucked up a few inches; the warm sensation of Harry's hand on his bare skin made him shiver in pleasure, eliciting an appreciative noise from Harry, deep and rumbling.

And then Draco felt Harry's tongue caress his bottom lip and he gasped in surprise. Harry seemed to take full advantage and swept his tongue against Draco's own, evoking a keening noise from the back of Draco's throat. An entirely new array of sensations tore through his body, he was tugging at Harry's hair, trying to pull himself closer to him, trying to get more, feel more, he needed more. His other hand dove under his boyfriend's shirt, tracing the lines of his stomach and his chest. His skin was smooth and soft but his body was hard and muscled; he felt Harry shiver at his touch.

Almost as if in response, Harry's hand plunged into his own shirt, the feel of his fingers on his chest, his stomach, his waist, was intoxicating. Draco's mind was swirling with the smell of Harry, with the taste of him. His boyfriend ran his hand up the curve of his spine, dragging his shirt with him and making him shudder.

Harry got up on the bed, sitting on his heels, never taking his mouth off of Draco's as he followed him. He could feel the bigger boy's chest heaving with uneven breaths.

He didn't exactly recall what happened next, but the next thing Draco knew his shirt was gone, tossed somewhere off the bed, he was straddling Harry's legs, and his mouth was pressed so tightly to Harry's own that he could feel his teeth through their mashed lips and clashing tongues. The kiss was messy, messier than any kiss they'd shared. Harry's hands felt like they were everywhere at once, Draco's head was whirling with every heady sensation.

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