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The day started as usual, the Goh Rong restaurant now open, crowds from here to there, but still, everything was peaceful

Birds starts to chirp waking up Garu as he stretch his arms up and yawned once and stood to go to his bathroom to fix himself. 'Breakfast...' he thought while brushing his teeth and changed into his ninja suit which is black with red bandages around his arms to his speedy legs, and lastly of course, the heart on his chest that signifies something that he only him, knows it. Then he went outside to go to Goh Rong and eat there

Pucca, on the other hand, was bored because she was on her break at being a delivery girl and a servant in their restaurant where her and her three uncles lives, she was not in a mood to do some sparring with Ching and Abyo that are now waiting for her outside. When she got out the red doors she wore a bored face seeing no Garu in the restaurant, she knew he should be eating breakfast here, but as far as she know sometimes however the man of her dreams cooks his own meal and thought maybe he got really lazy for today and made his instead, so when she went there with Ching she waved to say that she will be going somewhere else making them shock and a bit confused, then Pucca turned to leave

"Wow, never saw her that bored and pale before," Abyo said talking to a girl wearing violet stuffs with a chicken on her head, "I heard she was in a break, but she must be happy for that"

"Maybe she was just too used on to working for her uncles" Ching said and Abyo only shrugged, then worry plastered on their faces knowing that Pucca has been starting her own world in her uncles' famous restaurant

Not longer when Garu had walked behind Ching and Abyo, but the two must've not noticed him as they continued to stare where Pucca left them. Garu looked at them confused because they've been staring nowhere ever since, and confused why Pucca was not in sight

He poked Ching, and swear to her chicken who quickly waves its wings up and down and nearly dropped onto the floor that her owner almost had a heart attack by the sudden surprised, Abyo as well when Ching accidentally hit his arms a bit hard. They both turned to Garu now raising an eyebrow and his arms crossed

"Oh hey, Garu!" Ching greeted forgetting about what happened to them, even though she wanted to teach Garu a lesson to not surprise a girl with a chicken ever again

Abyo cleared his throat and greeted him as well, putting his muscular arms on the back of his best friend, "Yo Garu! Are you here to eat breakfast?"

Garu nodded and went inside as the two behind him follows him on an empty table and then Dada hurriedly went to them to get their orders, but still, Pucca was not in sight. Garu was so confused why she wasn't there but then he remembered she was doing deliveries start from the morning, he shrugged 'Guess I'll have some no-Pucca time in breakfast' he thought and smiled while they three talk about how the weather looked cool today


A girl wearing plain red dress with black leggings and her hair in odango style walking in the village without any care, she was too bored to do anything, she only even passed by to the villagers waving and greeting her a good morning, even though she wanted to greet them back her arms refused and only stayed from the side of her body and continued walking

Just then she saw Ssoso, holding a book smiling, she stopped on her spot and Ssoso as well

"Oh why hello Pucca!" He greeted, Pucca looked at the book he was holding, he smiled, "Hey, you wanna read some books? I know it sounds boring to anyone of you but maybe have it a try???" He smiled to Pucca, Pucca only shrugged but went where he walked to seeing a building with lots of books inside, she gasped and smiled as the room was at peace and clean that she could stay here and sleep

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