Hugs and Kisses

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Let me make this simple first:>

And lemme remind ya'll that Pucca's age is 13 here (like her age in season 3) same with Ching and Garu's 15 and Abyo also, anyways enjoy!

(Pucca's POV)

It was a sunny day, me and Ching are walking to Garu and Abyo that are currently sparring, my heartbeat pumped faster when I saw Garu smiling, he is so cute and handsome!!!

As I was spying at Garu, oh wait, I mean staring, Ching suddenly opened the window wide open where I was looking that stopped Garu's sparring with Abyo then they looked at me and Ching with their suprised and confused face

"Hey guys!!!"

Ching greeted the two while walking, waving her hand as she smile sweetly, I jump inside the room too so I can join their talk, oh wait, me and Garu doesn't talk! Hehe

I really can talk but because Garu took a vow of silence I shut my mouth like a lot of years and still right now, I don't want him to be alone so I took a vow of silence as well!

I really really like him, wait, correction....

Love him

"Hey Pucca! Is the Goh-Rong restaurant still open?"

I just nodded but believe me or not I wanna tell him that, "Of course it's still open stupid, we will never earn some money if we will just close it in the entire day, psh" but because I don't talk I didn't, so I just smiled at him

"Oh great! Ouch! What was that for!?" Thanks Ching for smacking his head

"Of course it is open! Pucca's uncles will never waste their money just to create the Goh-Rong restaurant and leave its doors shut you know" exactly!

"Yeah yeah..." Abyo said as he rub the back of his neck

My smile got wider when I saw Garu smirking at Abyo making fun of his best friend, then I slowly walked near him and when he noticed me his smile disappeared and was ready to run away from me

Buuuut, since I'm stronger than him and a bit faster as well, I caught his arms making us stumble on the ground, I was on top of him and he was under me, I laughed and started kissing him



"You want me to do that also to you, Abyo~?"

"What!? No way!"


I grinned seeing Garu red with a lot of kiss marks plastered on his face, I laughed at his reaction

"Come on, buddy!" Abyo then grabbed Garu and started dragging him away, "And Ching, don't you dare kiss me!" Me and Ching laughed at their reaction, I sighed

I'll just see Garu later then


"And I tell you, Pucca, the dress I saw was incredibly-- oh, Garu, Abyo!"

It was nearly lunch when me and Ching are talking in the shrine but then she saw Garu and Abyo again, chatting as well walking towards us

"Oh hey girls," Abyo greeted, "me and Garu was on the way to the Goh-rong to eat lunch, wanna join?"

"Of course! I'm now hungry as well and a bowl of noodles sounds delicious for me"

"Then let's go!" Abyo finished the talk and we nodded, continuing our walk, Garu was beside me and we were behind Ching and Abyo

And this is a great chance for me to hug Garu *laughs evilly*

I turned at my left where Garu was, seeing him looking down kicking some stones away from his path he's walking on to, I smiled

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