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(Garu's POV)

"Hell I'm exhausted!" Abyo yelled as he sat on the log after our spare just in front of my house, I wiped the sweat on my head and sat with Abyo

It was now afternoon when we chose to leave the girls and practice more, and why? To be stronger, duh

I am now 17 years old and I can tell everything had changed, but not completely, Ching still the cheerful girl she is, Abyo, still the stubborn boy we knew, and Pucca, still in love with me

While me, still wanting to be honored more and still protecting this village from any harm

But what had changed is that we all became matured, and that is a good thing

I was deep in thoughts then Abyo called my name to excused himself to go to the bathroom, I nodded and sighed as I close my eyes feeling the wind hit my face. But then I startled as my pigtails hit me a bit harshly

I groaned in annoyance, 'This happened to me a lot of times'

I can tell my hair's growing a bit longer, as its height is almost to my butt. I sighed again deciding that I should change my hairstyle so that my hair won't annoy me much as it does now, I stood up and walked inside seeing Abyo just finished using the bathroom


(Pucca's POV)

Me and Ching are now heading to Garu's house as what Abyo told us where they would spare, I excitedly walked and had wanted to sprint as I see his house

But I don't want to just leave Ching behind, so I calmed myself 'Calm down Pucca, you'll see him after this long walk!'

"I'm pretty sure Abyo has feelings for me!" Ching suddenly blurted out making me turn to her and I nodded in agreement, "I mean, the way he acts to me, he's so nice, and caring! Remember when we were having a tea in Goh Rong?" She added and started telling what happened yesterday for like 5 times now

I sighed impatiently but then I realized we are now in front of the door of Garu's house, I smiled widely and I sprinted towards his door and knocked softly. I waited for someone to open it, either Garu or Abyo, but no one opened the door for us

I confusingly looked at the door and took a peek at his window seeing a figure with its hair loose and so messy

Me and Ching jumped in shock when we heard someone scream, I break through the door and saw Abyo held his foot with a brush on the floor, while seeing a shaking man/woman with its hair loose, just what I saw in the window

I walked near and near but then I gasped when that someone ran in Garu's room and closed its door shut, I raised an eyebrow and picked up the brush on the floor

'This is Garu's???'

"OMG Abyo are you ok?" Ching worriedly said as she make her way to Abyo and checked his foot

"I-I'm fine, Ching! Just gotten hit by that brush that I accidentally dropped"

Ching facepalmed and checked his foot again while Abyo's trying to convince her that he was all okay, then I turned to Garu's room and walked there and opened the door quietly

As I walk inside I saw someone in the blankets 'Why is this hiding from us?' I thought again and made my way to the bed as I held the blankets. I gasped seeing a flustered Garu with his hair loose and then he turned his back to me

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