I love you

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Its been a month after the birthday of Pucca as she grows older and got matured as well, she is now 15 years old and all she had done in her life was helping her uncles with the restaurant, and now she rarely have time to meet up with her friends and her love of her life

Sun rose up and sunlight began to come inside Pucca's window making her wake up, she stood and walked inside her bathroom to take a bath and wore her daily outfit. When she was done she went downstairs seeing her uncles so busy with fixing the tables with Dada, she greeted them and wore her apron just laying on the counter and helped her uncles

Hours later the restaurant is open and a lot of people will be seen in the place, Pucca started to get orders of the customers and bring their food, along with Dada, while her uncles cooks their special noodles and more dishes that are made perfectly

But never did Pucca knew there was someone approaching her with flowers on his hands, when she was going to run to another customer she startled and felt a hard chest as she squealed and looked up seeing Garu smiling sweetly to her. She was surprised to see him so early in their restaurant today, she cleared her throat and waved to excuse herself because there are more customers coming but then her uncles went outside gasping

She stopped in her spot to turn her head again to them and blushed when Garu held her hands and gave her the flowers he grew with himself, she didn't knew what to do making her forget about the customers. Dada took care of it as Garu let go of her hands and turned to her uncles as he nods to them respectfully then her uncles nodded back and smiled

Just then Pucca came back to her senses and placed the flowers on the counter and smiled awkwardly to Garu

'Why is he acting like this?' she thought, she shook her head, 'Nah, maybe he's just thanking me for giving him his sword back' She thought again and nodded to herself 'Yeah, just that, that's his reason'

She was about to continue her job but then Garu held her again but to her waist, she got red feeling his grasp tighten to her and gently leaned her closer to him, she gazed somewhere else preventing herself to look up at Garu, who is now grinning seeing her reaction

Garu leaned closer and put his head to her shoulder, she gasped and saw there were a lot of crowd stopped their eat and stared at the two with a smile on their faces, she even heard someone cheered 'wohoo!!!' making her blush more

(Pucca's POV)

"You can go with Pucca now," I heard uncle Linguini talk turning my head to him still close to Garu, I felt Garu nod on my shoulder making me look down again, "hope you two have a great time!" He added and went back to cook. I looked at them confusingly, why are they letting me go for a break in a sudden? I looked at the crowd now eating their food again removing their gaze to me and Garu, 'I can't believe he did that in front of a lot of people, I thought he was a shy ninja?'

"Hey" I heard a husky voice making me jump a bit then I felt his hands grip on my hips as he balance me, "don't do that, you'll fall" I blushed at his statement but then I looked up at him and gave him a surprise look, he chuckled

"Yeah, I broke my vow, but don't worry about it babe, I'm still the honorable ninja you know" he winked after saying that as I blush 10 times in a row hearing from him the endearment 'babe'

"A-ah...." I coughed awkwardly as I gaze somewhere else, "I-- ah, think I need to go to work"

"Work? Oh don't worry, Pucca, I convinced your uncles yesterday to put you in a break today," he said as I look at him in disbelief, but why? "I know you're confused why I did that, but don't worry, I swear you'll like this day" he said confidently as he put his hands on my back making me feel shivers on my spine and then he untie my apron and put it on the counter where I usually put it after work. I was going to speak again but then he held my arms and drag me outside the door seeing Ching and Abyo laughing

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