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*percabeth fluff  bucketload of Percabeth and look at the social media--->*

Percy's POV

I was so glad Leo was back!!! I hugged him so tight and we joked around a bit. After that I decided to take Annabeth to the beach.

She looked beautiful. She wored a blue summer dress with white flip-flops while her hair cascaded in honey-golden waves. we layed down in the warm sand the waves tickling our feet.

"Remember our first kiss in the lake?" I asked her while I played with her hair.

" Yeah, credits to Clarisse" Annabeth said and we both laughed.I sat up and Annabeth did too.

" Annabeth Chase, my Wise Girl no amount of words can describe my love to you I promise to be forever faithful and there is no where I'd rather be as long as it's with you. I will always be with you my Wise Girl."  I said as I presented her the promise ring. It was simple with a silver band and studded with sea-green emeralds and gray crystals.

" Percy I, uh I don't know what to say.." she said as she sat there shocked while I slipped it on her finger.  She hugged me and whispered in my ear

" Not even the gods above could seperate the two of us" she sighed and said " I love you Seaweed Brain"  as she nodded of to sleep

" Love you Wise Girl" I said and fell asleep smelling the ocean and Annabeth

 soo short chappie I really wanted to put in percabeth so there you go... Please comment and vote thanks!


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