The Sorting

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Gah! *dodges knives* Heya there demigods... *shuffles feet* so I'm going to be honest here.... I kinda ditched this story here when Wattpad wouldn't let be wreite(errors and sort when I clicked edit it only shows blank page.). But other reason is that I. have. school. We had loads of pojects and stuff and I was getting real depressed and stressed so yeah

But I love you guys so much so here it is.

Piper's POV

It has been a wonderful day. First you were ready to pay respects to your supposedly dead best friends then hey, look at that. He flies down in the middle of the fudging ceremony riding a dragon. Completely normal huh?

Now I'm stuck in some stupid gods' experiment. Great.

"Now even in a middle of a festival, we must stick to our tradition." the man-in-the-portrait said, "The uhh, newcomers please come forward."

I looked around at Annabeth and she shrugged and said, "Why not. The gods did send us here to socialize after all."

So we all lined up and awkwardly waited on what to do. After an old lady finally stopped debating with the painting, she huffily made way and motioned Percy, who was first in line, to come forward.

All eyes fell on him as the lady presented a hat. When he was about 5 feet away from him the hat did something quite out of the ordinary.

"DON'T HET ME NEAR HIM! HIS MEMORIES ARE TOO MUCH! PUT HIM IN GRYFFINDOR! PUT HIM IN GRYFFINDOR! " (A/N I KNOW that in some comments I put in that Percy was more suited for Hufflepuff because of his loyalty, but my friend nearly castrated me when I said that. So just ignore and go along with Gryffindor Percy.)the hat shrieked. Yup, you heard me. The demigods all jumped in shock and Percy looked like a deer caught in the headlights. Then the woman proceeded to usher him to the table with the red and gold banner.

The 'wizards' looked quite amused, and the blond hairball that I charmspoke him to drop a goblet of juice earlier snickered. I gave him a withering look and he went pale but kept his smirk.

"NEXT!" the woman shouted. I blinked before realizing I was next in line. I shuffled forward and the hat nearly swallowed me.

"Hmm... You're a hard one...And your memories..." the hat spoke in my mind. Yep my day could not get any weirder. After about 5 minutes of the hat debating, being stared down by a hundred of cloaked strangers and me awkwardly looking at my shoes, the hat yelled. "GRYFFINDOR!"

 I walked over to the Gryffindor table,smirked and tousled his hair. "Guess I'm stuck with you, idiot." I said as he rolled his eyes.

Next up was Hazel, after our sword fighting/mist controling lesson on the Argo II we became quite close. She looke quite fragile as the hat engulfed her head.

"Hufflepuff!" the hat roared. She looked quite afraid as she scuttled over to the Hufflepuff banner.(A/N (Hazel the hufflepuff was SUPER original I'm sure...)aannddd... here's a totally boring rundown on everybody's houses and the chapter's OVER everybody! Yay! *dodges chair* I'M KIDDING! I'M KIDDING!)

Then the next one was Jason looking perfect as usual. resist the urge Piper, resist it. I took a deep breath as I resisted the urge to smack him full on the face.

His head did not get completely swallowed up and after a few seconds the hat shouted, " HUFFLEPUFF!" (A/N and WOAAHHH SHOCKER! jASoN's In HUFflEpUfF!) I got a little bit dissapointed that he wasn't in Gryffindor but oh well. He did a detour and made his way to our table . He brofisted Percy and hugged me. I blushed as I felt the crowd's eyes burn on my back.

Annabeth was next. I glanced over as I felt Percy's back straighten and his eyes sparkle. The hat was put on her head, and gosh I thought I took long. Annabeth sat there looking quite calm as the hat muttered incoprehensible things. I worried for my friend, but a wave of relief washed over me as the hat screamed,"RAV-SLY-GRYFFINDOR!!!"(A/N maybe I might not be being fair but come one. look at my username. Look at my second chapter. You practically knew already that Percabeth was going to be in the same house)

She walked over to the table,ignoring all the weird looks she got, and Percy kissed her cheek. I looked away awkwardly as the feeling of de ja vu came upon me.

I shaked off the feeling as Leo, hyper as ever, hopped to the chair as the bouncing grinning mess he is. The hat came all the way to his neck and I stifled a chuckle.

"RAVENCLAW!" the hat boomed and Leo pouted as he made his way to the blue bannered table. Poor Leo hopefully someone will accompany him in Ravenclaw.

 As Calypso stepped forward my first thought was: She's not that bad. She rolled her eyes at Leo and smiled a little at us. Oh well, if Leo chose her I'm not going to complain. He could do a lot worse, like-like-like.... Drew. I shuddered at the thought.

Anyway... Calypso didn't take quite long, and soon enough the hat shrieked"RAVENCLAW!!!" I smiled as Leo punched his hand in the air as Calypso sat down next to him.

Next was Frank. The crowd cowered as he came forward. Honestly I couldn't blame them. I would've done the same the first time. But now he's really shy and cute and honestly he's a teddy bear. He sat down and nervously stared at the floor. The incredible thing is, the hat actually FIT on his head. "HUFFLEPUFF!" the hat roared and Frank quickly joined Hazel. (A/N just noticed, all the romans are together. guess romans are really loyal huh?)

Next up was Nico. I guess he's alright. I heard he has a rough past, so i felt sympathetic at first but then he pushes everyone away.... When he came out, I felt suprisingly quite happy and since he and Will are going out now, I couldn't have been happier for him.

He glared at everyone and the crowd muttered nervously. He took one step and the hat cried,"GET HIM AWAY!GET HIM AWAY! SLY-GRYFFINDOR! HE'S A GRYFFINDOR!"(A/N i know that in some stories, that this mean that he/she is the embodiment of bravery or whatever and in my opinion, that's not Percy, that's Nico.) The crowd gasped and made way for Nico to pass. He sat next to me and I patted his back and he shot me a ghost (A/N SEE WHAT I DID THERE)of a smile.

Lastly was Will Solace. I could practically feel Nico's heartbeat getting faster, and okay I'll admit it, I thought he was good-looking when he brought us to Camp but when he and Nico started going out I started to respect him. He managed to do the impossible after all, calming Clarisse down.

The hat was put on his head and a few seconds later it shouted,"RAVENCLAW!!!" Will shot Nico a sad look and sat down next to Calypso.

"Welcome everyone at Hogwarts Witchcraft and Wizardry. And by all means, let us continue our feasting!" the port- uh I mean, Dumbledore boomed.

Maybe it wasn't such a bad day after all.

A/N so I know that there was a LOT of author's note, and that was for making up to you guys for being so silent and incative.*puts on seal face* I hope wu fowgive mee...

now let's end this chapter with my good friend England *cough*Iggy*cough*

*england smacks me on the head*  Now since Izzy has escaped, I'll do the disclaimers. *england clears throat* Now, the lovely characters all belong to a forty year old man named Rick Riordan and JK.Rowling I believe. Good day ladies and gentleman and have a pleasant week.

keskeskeskeskeskes~ only Hetalians would understand...

Your demigodishness,


*P.S on the right is another #JasonFail at it's finest...*Jason throws brick* WhAT iS it WItH YuO peOPLE aND THroWInG ThInGS!

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