Pillows, Hair Ties and an Old Brown Shoe

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[A/N]:Hi there. Yeah, I'm alive sorry to disappoint. I know I'm very predictable and you guys probably saw this coming, but yeah. I've actually considered abandoning this fic and you all have to thank @PartTimeStoryTeller and her wonderful inspirational fic , Human. It's a phanfiction, so if you're interested in that please go check it out. I think I might be crying because of it. Send help.

Harry's POV

A fire-breathing dragon stomping in the Hall would've made the same reaction as the Demigod's strange arrival. Half the school jumped in their seats and I saw Neville spluttering pumpkin juice all over the chocolate pudding. Most of us were asked to redo our final year at Hogwarts and it brought back many memories of last year in the school grounds at the battling for our lives and our school on the Battle of Hogwarts.

I would be lying if I said I wasn't suspicious of these Demigods. We were literally just told a new universe of gods and goddesses existed and the evidence is right in front of me, having a full blown tickle fight.

Percy and Annabeth were in the Gryffindor Common Room giggling on the red plush couch at the back of the room aggressively tackling each other while the girl with braids -Piper...?- made a running commentary and occasionally, leaping out of the way to avoid being slapped in the face or a kamikaze pillow.

" I swear-" Hermione started before being thwacked fully in the face by scarlet pillow, "UGH! Those Demigods are a bit strange aren't they?"

Ron snorted next to her,"A bit? That's an understatement." he said.

"NO PERCY THAT'S CHEATING! YOU CAN'T JUST TIE HER UP! Oh nevermind, Annabeth's fine. ANNABETH COME ON HE DIDN'T DESERVE THAT" Piper exclaimed from the back of the room as she ran around dodging the stray limbs threatening to decapitate her as Annabeth and Percy wrestled each other, now on the floor, gathering a huge crowd.

"They're wild the bunch of them." George smirked next to me, with a ghost of the old mischievous gleam in his eye. I nodded as Annabeth pinned Percy down for a few seconds before he struggled out of her grip exclaiming victoriously holding Annabeth's hair tie in one hand, freeing Annabeth's hair.
She looked stunning no doubt, but she widened her eyes and yanked Percy's shoe free and ran. Percy ran after her with an angry "Hey!" and they ran out continuing they're wrestling match outside followed by a chuckling Piper and a few curious third years.

"Come on, Ron. We better get them and those third years to their rooms " Hermione said, "before they destroy the whole castle."

As Ron and Hermione did their duties as prefects, I followed George and went to bed. Turning off the lights and bidding goodnight to Dean,Seamus and Neville he drifted off to sleep, couldn't possibly knowing what dawn brought along the next day.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2015 ⏰

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