The Light

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Annabeth's POV

I woke up in the middle of a great hall filled with kids and adults. I quickly sat up. They all wore cloaks and held a stick in their hands. They looked really scared and confused at the same time.

I then realized my situation. My friends the Seven along with Nico and Reyna were all laying haphazardly on the floor with me they were all unconcious and I stood up. The people there was murmuring with each other.

This was really like one of those muggle book I read about, umm... what was it's name.. Parry Hotter? Oh Wait! Now I remember , I the book I read was called Harry Potter. Now I'm not very surprised to find out the Harry Potter world was real ( I once found book series about our adventures from we were 12 called the Percy Jackson and the Olympians and Heroes of Olympus) I started to get really excited because I knew all about them and their adventures( I read the entire series in a day I was bored don't judge). I woke the rest up and filled them about what I found out. After all the general confused mumbling we all stood up ready to face the situation.I kissed Percy for good luck because if the wizards and witches were going to kill us might as well kiss Percy before I die right?

Just then a piece of paper fluttered and it read:


Hermes and I were really bored so I sent you guys to the wizarding realm. Don't get too mad at us, A god's gotta have fun. Don't get killed and don't kill anyone (unless necessary). We will send you back after 9  months so enjoy your time there!


Apollo and Hermes

well this is great(note the sarcasm) I passed the paper around and I heard Piper mumble " like son like father" and I knew she was thinking about the two pranksters back at camp, Connor and Travis Stoll.

I cleared my throat and turned to the wizards and witches who apparently before we appeared were having a clebration of some sorts. They stared at me and held their sticks um I mean wands in front of them. One of the gigantic portraits with a bearded man and half moon spectacles spoke. Yup it FREAKIN SPOKE.

" Hello um visitors welcome to Hogwarts. Who are you exactly?"

" My name is Annabeth chase and I'm a demigod half-Greek God half-mortal, daughter of Athena. We are very sorry to interrupt your party but apparently the two gods Hermes and Apollo thought it would be amusing to transport us to the wisarding world." I heard the wizards murmur and whisper as they looked at us.

" No not at all.." the portrait spoke.

"You must be Albus Dumbledore, I know all about you and the famous Harry Potter and his Adventures! Don't ask me how I know You wouldn't believe me." I said fangirling. Yeah I fangirl, that's what you expect from a child of Athena who loves to read.

I was about to say more when Jason put a hand on my shoulder. " Uh sir? We come in peace so could you please tell your guests or students to lower their wands now?"

With that all the wizards lowered their wands.

" Now let's get to the introductions shall we?" Dumbledore spoke cheerfully

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