{5} {Stuck Together}

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When I got home I went to the living room and sat alone on the couch. I found a movie and turned it on; I picked up my phone and scrolled through twitter.

I had so many Lovatics following me telling me how much they love mine and Demi's 'relationship'.

It was all for show.

Demi made me pose in pictures with her so she looked like a saint sister.

I had reached five hundred thousand followers recently and with it came the awful messages. I've lost count of the amount of times I've been told to kill myself. I decided to tweet something


I got a few genuine replies asking how I was but the rest were just spamming me to follow them.

It startled me when my mom came and sat on the couch next to me. "What happened in English?"

I shrugged, which was replied to with a glare, "They were laughing at me." My mom sighed and pulled me into a hug. "It's okay baby." She consoled me.

My mom left me alone to watch TV.

A few hours later she came back in, "Me and your dad are going out, Madison is at aerial, try and not kill Demi whilst we're out." She jokes at the end. I would be stuck with the person who beat me for over four hours.

Demi approached me as I sat on the sofa, "I'm sorry about, you know, this morning." She was playing with her hands; she only did this when she was nervous.

I sighed, "Its ok." She sat on the couch next to me. "I miss when we were close." She said reminding me of our old times. When she would sneak into my room after my bedtime and cuddle with me for hours until I fell asleep, she was the only one who understood my insomnia at the time.

"Me too." I agreed with her. I hate that we're not as close, but that's what happens when you get sick, neither us of can control our anger, as shown this morning.

"Why did you tell mom?" demi looked more upset than angry. "You know I had to." I replied looking her in the eyes, she nodded, agreeing with me.

"I'm sorry you had to see that." She apologised. Demi knows about my struggle with food, so does my family, not that it makes it any easier.

She knows that I cut myself a few times, but I promised I would stop. My parents didn't know about this, Demi didn't want them hassling me about it. Thank god no one knows I never stopped.

"Have you eaten today?" demi looked like she already knew the answer. "yeah." I blatantly lied; demi raised her eyebrows at me, "really?" I nodded again, "what did you have?" I tried to think of an answer quickly, "Um...um...I had that thing that was in the fridge." She looked unconvinced.

I looked at my hands in my lap and began fiddling with my thumbs, digging my nails into my hands.

"Come on; let's get you some food baby girl." She pulled me into the kitchen where I sat on the counter. "I'm not hungry demi." She gave me a stern glare, "we both know that's a lie." She stated, she was right.

She began making me a sandwich with ham on it, when she was done she handed it to me, "eat." I sighed and took a small bite. Demi grabbed my hand and pulled me back to the couch where we sat watching a film.

I looked at my phone and saw that I had a text from Jamie.

Hey do you want to meet up?

"Demi, can I have a friend round?" I was going to ask her round anyway but there would be less yelling if I asked. "I guess." Demi didn't look too pleased, but it was happening.

Yeah sure, come to my house.

I replied along with my address. She arrived about thirty minutes later with a bag of sweets in her hand. She embraced me in a hug before I led her up to my room.

We hung out for a while before she decided to put on a scary movie, I hate them so much.

She wrapped her arm around me as we sat watching the film. I hid my face in her neck when the scary parts, she rubbed up and down my arm in an attempt to calm he down.

She pulled me into her arms more and held me tighter. Her hands moved down to my ass as she held me, she kissed my cheek as I yelped at the scary parts.

When it was over I turned to her, "do your hands enjoy it down there on my ass?" I smirked at her. She squeezed my ass then pushed me off her.

"Can I ask you something?" she said holding my hand, "sure." She proceeded to squeeze my hand, she leaned closer to me, staring at my lips, "it's more show you something." She said before leaning closer and connecting our lips.

The kiss was magical, like nothing I had ever felt before. I felt sparks coming from every inch of my body that connected to hers.

Our lips moved in sync with each other, effortlessly. She moved me so that she was ay on top of me, she ran her tongue over my mouth, I opened my mouth slightly to let her have entrance.

Our tongues connected inside the kiss as her hand made its way up my t-shirt to fondle my breast. I broke this kiss and sat up slightly, "wow." Was all I could say.

After Jamie had left, I had a permanent smile on my face. I went downstairs to watch tv next to demi, as soon as I sat down she turned to me, "what's got you smiling?"

I quickly concealed my smile and ignored her. She tapped me lightly on the arm which I ignored. She moved closer to me and waved her hand in front of my face, "are you stupid, I asked you a question."

I lost it, I hate when people call me stupid, I'm not, I just struggle. "Don't call me stupid." I spat at her, "wow, stupid and crazy." She said smugly.

I pushed her hard and then ran, I knew she would try and hit me back. I made it to my room and locked the door, then locking myself in the bathroom.

I snapped out of my mania with a blade in my hand, there was blood dripping onto the floor. I didn't remember doing it; it was like my brain made me cut myself.

I counted the cuts on my wrist, eighteen. I tried to clean them up but was getting nowhere. I gave up and curled into a ball on the floor, falling into a sleep like state.

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