{9} {overdose}

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I shut myself in my room when I got home. I didn't want to speak to anybody.

Nobody wanted me, they had shut me away.

I was in jail, for being sad.

My parents, they hadn't bothered to ask how I was, they had just thrown me out onto the kerb.

I was numb.


I wanted this endless depression to end.

I found my bipolar pills and some for anxiety and lay them out in front of me.

I counted them, twenty seven in total.

They looked beautiful, calming.

They could bring me the endless silence I seek.

Away from the voices, away from the people.

No one to harm me, not even myself.

I started to swallow them, all of them.

I wanted the pain to end, this endless suffering.

I didn't even bother to write a note.

No one would read it.

All twenty seven pills, gone. Inside me.

I felt them pumping through my veins.

The numbness that followed.

As they circulated through my heart and back around my body I slowly felt the pain subsiding.

It was getting darker, my eyes weren't working.

Nothing was working.

I was falling, slowly but falling indefinitely.

My eyes were shutting, the world was stopping.

I was free.

Demi's PoV

I thumped on Sophie's door only to receive silence.

I was on my own in this, I had to get inside.

I used a screwdriver to pick the simple lock on my little sisters door frame.

I walked in and saw nothing.

The bathroom.

The light was on, but still silence surrounded the room.

There was a light humming from the light but all I could hear was that.

I pushed the door open to enter the scene. It was a scene, a scene of my baby sisters suicide.

I knelt down, I held her in my arms. I cried as I kissed her, kissing her like it was the last time.

I shook her limp body, "sophie." I yelled in an attempt to awaken her from what she thought was heaven.

It was no use, what could I do?

My baby sister, gone.

You're Not My Sister - Demi LovatoWhere stories live. Discover now