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•{ the four kids}•

As they entered the company, the first ones they saw were the director and his assistant who stood right at the reception, Alice and Alex standing in front of them as they discussed something.

"Oh! The rest two are here as well!"

He welcomed them with a wide smile displaying how proud he was. The two smiled back, Asmah's smile as wide as the man's, while Saalim kept it his usual small size.

The discussions resumed soon after, each one of the four were given their own instructions and guides on how to present on the big day. They were taken to the first floor to meet the remaining employees, who too cheered for them like the director had, only lifting up their hopes and pulling strings of their excitement that they tried so hard not to show.

Travelling outside the country, it was almost like her dream come true, and she should have been the one most excited and most grateful. Yet for some reason, she only felt her shoulders slump as she remembered what she had risked for it, and who she had hurt. And she could barely even look at her bestfriend now, as the tall lady smiled at her from the small crowd, showing her a thumbs up with her usual graceful smile.

Her legs began to move forward on their own, and she found herself walk to the woman in front of her and engulf her in a hug, which she felt she had done in so long. As she did that, her heart suddenly started feeling heavy, but shaking her head, she got rid of the feeling.

"I'm sorry Huda. I still don't feel like going like this, leaving you."

Her voice came out muffled, her eyes getting teary despite her efforts on not getting too emotional.

"Why are you talking like you're not gonna come back, you idiot? Gosh, you can be so emotional at times."

They broke from the hug, and soon she felt her face being lifted by a pair of slender hands that cupped it. She stared into Huda's eyes, who smiled at her so gently, radiating a strange warmth that formed a blanket for her heart.

"It's okay, my friend. Asmah, I forgave you already, so don't keep thinking about it and ruin your trip. This is your chance to prove yourself to the company, to show them what you can do. You're the most capable for this task in my eyes, and I so know that you can do this. You'll do this In Sha Allah, right?"

Asmah nodded in answer, sniffing shortly after because her nose would act up before her eyes ever could.

"Yes, In Sha Allah."

"That's like my friend. Now stop thinking about it. And make sure to stay online, hmm?"

Huda chuckled as she took her hands away, while Asmah now looked down, before taking in a breath and looking up.

"In Sha Allah I will!"

Asmah gave an enthusiastic nod, now smiling widely. She couldn't say that she had taken it from the heart, but it did become her very own when Huda smiled back at her and patted her head.

"Asmah! Let's go now!"

She heard her name called out in Alice's shrilly tone, who stood a distance away and behind her, and nodded in her direction before looking back at Huda.

"Salam sista!"


Huda waved at her as she walked backwards before spinning and walking away, leaving her as she stared in the direction the four had just left to, a small smile of longing resting on her lips.

I'm gonna miss her, for sure.

They sat in the van, with the boys in the front and the two girls at the back. Asmah took a single seat and sat comfortably with her head laid by the window. Alice hadn't asked her to sit together either, which she was glad about because she was in no mood to answer her in the negative, and also in no mood to ruin her ride by sitting with her.

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