27 - Dark Place pt. 2

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Treachery's POV

We all stood around Thomas as he sat on the couch with his eyes closed. We figured it was best that only he go in to fetch his Logical side.

After only about five minutes, Thomas raised his arm and pulled Logan up beside him.

I couldn't help but smile at him. His glasses were crooked and his tie was loose. Logan never likes people to see him like this, but I certainly saw nothing wrong with it.

Patton rushed over and embraced Logan, breaking the tension in the room.

"I was literally gone for a day," says the disheveled side on the couch.

"A day is too long for a family to be apart!" Shouted Patton.

Logan patted him on the back and stood up, adjusting his tie and straightening his glasses.

"I was collecting valuable information, it's not that uncommon for me to take a few days for my experiments."

"Experiments?" I spoke up. "Logan Deceit captured you! We were really worried about you."

He looked at me funny, "captured? Preposterous. I would never allow myself to be captured."

The rest of the sides and I looked at each other.

"Hold up nerdy wolverine. Are you saying you willingly went with that two face snake?" Said Roman.

"Yes that is exactly what I was saying. Could I have made that more clear?"

The other sides sighed. After some more conversation, Virgil and Roman got annoyed with Logan and left. After many "are you sure you're ok?"'s from Patton, the soft side finally moved out of the room to make dinner.

Now it was just Logan, Thomas, and myself in the living room.

"Seriously Logan. I need my Logic. You know that if you are in the Dark Palace I can't access you," Thomas pointed out.

"I hardly think it made that much of a difference. While I am probably the most important side, you can function without me for a day."

Thomas sighed, "still, we're a team. You should've told us."

Thomas then went upstairs, leaving Logan and I alone.

I took a step closer to him.

"That really was stupid of you Logan."

He gave me a blank look so I continued.

"I was worried about you. I've seen first hand what the dark sides are capable of. You can't just disappear without telling anyone."

He straightened his glasses again, "I don't see why I should have to tell everyone what I'm doing. I out of all sides and fragments are capable of handling myself. Not to mention that I can learn information from the dark palace."

I tried not to stomp my foot as I turned my head up to face him. "It's not about that Logan. We're a family. The sides were worried for you and so was I. I don't want you to go through the things that I did."

My eyes were back to the ground now, I realized I had been sick with worry and that my shoulders were tensed up.

He put his hand on my shoulder.

"You're right. I'm sorry."

I embraced him, my head resting just under his.

I felt safer when he was in my arms.

Quarantine sucks and my cat is missing. Anyways since my state is on lock down and I have more time than I need, I will be updating more. Thank you those of you who have been patient with me. Stay safe! - authorchan

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