chapter 1

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"I don't need a worker like you ivy..!" My boss's voice echoed through my head as I was walking in empty dark street, it was 2:30 at night . I was very mad and upset about tonight's conversation between me and my boss, working hard like a dog in order to get little money, didn't deserved to be treated like this.

Walking through my apartment as I walked up to my house's door. entering to my warm home felt very good, as if it was welcoming me, and yet there was no one to do. I was living alone by my own after all . I looked through my puffy couch, approaching to it slowly before I sat on it with a loud thub.

Mom had died by cancer when I was only 5 years old. after that my dad tried to take care of me but he was a drunk man, acting that way made me to become unsure about my safety. Time passed by as I became 18 years old young girl. I buyed a house in Derry with all money I had worked for, dad didn't seemed to care much, as if he was waiting for me to leave. It's been 3 years.. and he  never called me ones..

I layed on couch as I closed my eyes for a light sleep. I remembered the days when mom was with me, the blurry vision wasn't helping but the way sunlight and trees where being like, it felt as if we were in heaven. My sweet laughs echoed through my ears as I saw my self running happily playing with my mom and toys... suddenly everything slowly became dark, shadows surrounded me as I tried to search for my mom behind me.she wasn't there... I remembered the days After,I wasn't that sweet happy little girl I used to be, as if the colours in my life leaved with my mom, it felt as if she had took all those lights and happiness away with her.

I remembered the days of my loneliness, the days which dad wasn't home untill night. For a 6 years old little girl it was scary to be all alone in a hug house, specially  when her biggest fear was darkness, loneliness. But I wasn't afraid, as if I could feel someone's present around me and yet there was no one. I could always find cotton candys and hotdogs around. As if  someone had placed them for me, well.. dad had his ways.

I remembered his yells and mean words whenever I went on to thanks him about snakes.maybe it wasn't the right time to thanks him. Dad never cooked  things for me I never saw him cooking
Nor eating things in house. But there it was snakes and foods had placed in my closet, under my bed, sometimes on top my bed. It felt good to have a friend that loves you, care for you, and yet hadn't showed up.

It felt good to be loved and cared to..

I nocked out of my light sleep by hearing footsteps from a corner that looked to be Infront of me. My hands became sweaty as My body froze by hearing another eyes adjusted to the darkness close to me, my breath hitched in my throat. Not dareing to move. Afraid that IT might lungh at me or kill me. Suddenly,IT spoke. A child like. Voice didn't seem to fit that high. "Hiya there, Ivy" the voice spoke. Whatever it was, it seemed to know my name, that made me to shake slightly.

Suddenly. The mysterious shadow stepped in front of me letting  dim moonlight of my living room hit its body..

It was a clown. A clown with blue eyes that were somehow glowing, makeing me to want to star at them more, but his high and the way he had dressed and his body shapes,made me to snap out of my day dreaming. Making me to freak out instead.the clown let out a teasing smile with a very low giggles . The tall and lanky clown took another step forward, bowing down a little in progress.the scent of cotton candys, hotdogs filled my nose stride, making my mouth water up..

The clown chucked, showing the pair of bunny teeths , making him seem less intimidating than he was,untill I noticed his eyes changed from glowing blue to a terrifying yellow as one of them drifted away.

Those eyes reminded me to hell's fire but more glowing..more evil, I could even hear screams.. kids screams... echoed through my head. Making me to shake my head slightly as I gulped clearing my throat, my mouth was dry at this point.

" Tired, aren't you?.." he mocked as he looked to my eyes, it felt as if he was looking at my soul . Making me to shift a little uncomfortably.

"You look to be really scared, dear"he teased, pointed to my sweaty palms with his eyes. Making me to look at my palms then back at him slightly.

"Fear..." He mumbled as his eyes closed as he lifted his head upper in pleasure...or something seemed to be like pleasure... Maybe, Hunger.  But why would he be hungry for my fear?

He snapped his eyes open as he looked at me down there. His red fire like hair was touching ceiling slightly. Making me to let out a small smile . Making the mood lighting. Making it a little comfortable.

"How rude of Me.. I didn't interdeuse myself " he said as he took a little step backward with a small smile on his face.

" I'm pennywise,the dancing clown!" He said as he bowed. His head hung down a little pulling his huge hand out for me to put mine in a gentle manners.

I inhaled slowly. Trying to be calm with him. This stranger had came to my house I wanted to kick the shit out of him and throw him out of my house but I wanted to hold my manners like he did. I pulled  out my small hand and placed it slowly in his. I felt electricity bolt through my whole body making me to flinch slightly at the simple contact.

His hand was like 4 of mine, something that looked to be inhuman. Which actually scared me. I looked to my hand and back up at him for 3 times . Waiting for his next movement. His rough thump rested on top of my hand as his eyes slowly looked up to me, his surprised expression softened, made me to show a little smile. He seemed to be surprised by my action, as if he didn't expected me to go for it.

" You have grown, doll" he said as He then slowly pulled my hand to his lips placeing a rough kiss on it.still staring at me. Still with terrifying yellow eyes.

Suddenly I felt his tongue grased along my hand couting it with his saliva making me to jerk my hand out of his, shocked by his gross action. I noticed he was drooling all the way to his chin, but he wiped it off with his long bloody red weird tongue,he placed his palms on his chest , Preventing as if he got hurt by my action.

"Anyway, glade to meet you...again..." His voice became deeper at the last part, as if he meant something by it, and the look on his face was weird as he was waiting for something.

"G_glad to meet y_you p_penn?." I said trying hard to not trip on my words but failed.

He let out a chuckle as he slowly backed up toward the shadow behind him, which he had came from at the first place.

" I'll see you around , my Ivy"he said with a evil smile  placed on his red lips. And with that...he simply disappeared from sign...

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