chapter 7

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"ok then, thanks." I hanged up placing my phone on the table, leaning on my sofa, letting out a sigh. Its been a week since I started to find a good job, and yet I hadn't Found any. I needed money as soon as possible.

I had kept some money for emergency events from long ago, which I suggested it must be now, buying me sometime.I hadn't buyed much things to eat, only things that's needed.  Only the most important ones. Because I had to pay this house each months.well... Residential rent. With its bad ass owner, which would probably peal my face off and kick me out of this house. So I had to keep some money for him, resuring him so I can pay the rest of the money.

Suddenly I heard my phone rang, looking at the screen only to be suprised to see who it was, Peter.a small smile on my face, as I answered him.

" Hi" I said as I leaned back on my sofa.

"Hey there, doll." He said, I could feel and hear him smiling, through the phone.making me smile wider.

"And you know what! He was doing it for the rest of the day!" Peter laughed, cuesing my laughter to become so hard. Its been five minutes since we were talking, laughing by his jokes.

" Well, huh!.. what are you up for today baby?" He asked, his breaths became normal ones again.

"Um, well finding a new job. Why?" I said playing with my long curls.

"Um nothing baby! I thought if I_we could hang out.?" He said calmly but I could feel a hint of nervous in his voice.

" think so?"I said smiling devilishly at myself, by how innocent and valnerble he was with me. Trying to take me back.

"Uh-I just liked to hangout with you, for like,um. Tonight? Only if it's ok with you." He said with a nervous hum afterwards.

" I would love to" I said laying on the sofa smiling sweetly.

" Sugar~, well, when ?" He asked,  letting me to choose it's time, thought I was the most busy one here. Looking at the time as I took a moment on it. It was 5 o'clock afternoon.

"7 o'clock, ok?" I said shortly exsiment boiling within my stomach.

"Of course daring, I'll pick you up, see you later, love" he said, exsiment in his voice.

"Yes, well bye!" I said shortly. Finally hanging up. Thinking about how should I appear.walking towards my room as I opened the closet door, looking through my dresses and clothes. I didn't wanted to wear something so especial nor too simple, weather at night could get a little cold, and if our " hangout" was going to reach the night, I cant wear a dress, let me say, I didn't liked to.

"Ok well.." reaching for my light blue tight jeans, exposing my knees  and a little on my things, holding it on my body, long and of course, it reached to my waist tightly, this will probably fit my Ideal style, showing my body form perfectly.  throwing my jean on my bed softly as I turned over once again, picking my shiny light gray belt, blinding my eyes when lights hit through it.

" Damn.." I chuckled, throwing it on my bed. Turning over to choose the rest of my clothes. I grabbed the hold of my gray long sleeve shirt putting it on me, looking at myself through the mirror. Good enough. Putting it on my bed, as I walked to my bathroom, planning to take a shower..

Putting on my underwear and bra , my skin freshly shaved, making me to feel so soft and comfortable.
Putting on my jeans as I locked my belt on it, reaching for my shirt, as I putted it on, letting my flat tummy to be exposed a little. Looking at myself through the mirror. Gorgeous.but why?I hadn't even tried that much.

Setting Infront of my table,  looking at my long_ curly hair if I have to shape them. But it seemed really good in the first place. Their cruls formed in the most best way, So I began to do some light makeup on. Looking at my self when I was done.

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