chapter 9

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I don't know how long I have been sleep but the moment I slowly opened my eyes I realized I was still in penny's arms, nestled me up in his warm embrace.

He has rested his back on a wooden wall as he held me in between his half crossed legs and layed my back on his forearm while his other hand rested on top of my chest,like a mother would do to her child. His body was way smaller , which I assumed he had turned back to his normal size, how was it even possible?.. I looked up to see his eyes shut , resting his head on the wall behind.

I slowly titled my head to the other side to take a look of where I was, trying not wake him by my movement., I was in a small room, with old_teared fluffy curtain on the ceiling, covering a side of the room. While the left wall in front of me was glowing orange, with a view of something like an explosion. I looked under us as I saw a red fluffy blanket under penny , The wooden floor was guiet old, just  like walls, everything in this room was pretty old..messy.

I looked over at Penny only to flinch out of my skin as I saw him looking at me with his burning fire eyes, almost like a warm honey, with a mix of hunger, and anger on his face.

"Im sorry"I whispered as I noticed him closing the distance between us.

"You will be" he said right before he crushed his lips to mine, passionately kissing me .I closed my eyes as I catched up with his lips kissing him back.he pulled me up as he sat me on his lap, his huge hands began to rub up and down my small back, not breaking the kiss in progress as the kiss deepened.

He brock the kiss as He got a hold of my shirt as he roughly pushed it up ward and ripped it of my body, causing me to gasp, but instantly turned on.

Suddenly he Pushed me backward landing on top me gently as he slowly rubbed himself to my body, he brock the kiss as he started to place kisses on my neck and chest pinning my hands upward with his hand, holding them in place while his other hand held a side of my head. He pulled away as he turned me over forcefully and I loved it. I was laying on my stomach as penny was On top of me.

His hands slowly moved down ward and toward my ass, teasing me slowly as his hands held its cheeks, I could hear him growl once his hands held them, pushing them upward and then downward, making my mouth water up , begging for more from inside.

He pulled my jeans down all the way with my undergarment.throwing my jeans backward as it hit the wall behind landing on the floor, leaving me fully naked behind. I felt uncomfortable with the hard wooden floor , he seemed to take notice guickly as he picked me up as I wrapped my arms around his neck. He moved backward and opened the blanket farther for me to lay on it while his other arm held me in place .

He placed me on the  thick blanket, as he started to kiss my neck, leaving a bunch of hickies was so heartwarming, he could easily bite down on my neck and end me but he decided not, instead he decided to place kisses, causing me to become emotional and flattered.he looked at me in eyes as he leaned forward, fingertips away from my face.his hot breaths fanned my face.

"Mine" he cooed as he connected his lips to mine kissing me roughly. I kissed back as soft whimpers escaped from my throat.

He reached for his pants , he guickly slide his member out of his suit as he positioned himself between my legs, my body went still from exsiment and nervous I closed my eyes getting ready to feel the pain of him entering me, but he never did.

I opened my eyes only to see him looking at me, staying still and held his member Infront of my core, it's tip connected to me, but he wasn't pushing .

He leaned forward putting his forehead on mine as he looked in my brown eyes .his other hand layed on top of my chest as he slowly pushed forward. I softly gasped as I felt all of him stretching me open as he held still, letting me to adjust. Thanks god..

I closed my eyes shut at the burning sensation gripping the blanket in my fist as he slowly bucked his hips forward. Soft whimpers escaped my lips. His eyes rolled to the back of his head as he continued to grunt out in pleasure.

After a few minutes or two he slammed his hips harder, my whimpers turned to moans at this point.

"All mine.." he growled out as he looked at me in eyes this was enough to send me over the edge as I felt myself getting closer to my climax. He must have senses that as he slammed his hips roughly, causing me to scream out in pleasure as I reached my climax, making him to do the same right after as he filled me up with his warmth.

"Penny..uhw!"I moaned for last time as he slowly thrusted in me sloppily, coming down from his high.  He shot me a loving look as he pressed his red lips on my light pink ones. Kissing me roughly.

We stayed like that longer as I layed my hands on his chest, he purred out in pleasure as he thrusted in me for last time, staying still for a second as he pushed forward , causing me to once again groan out breathlessly. Causing him to chuckle softly , he pulled him self out of me as he leaned downward and near to my core, cleaning me up from my juices.

He sat back bottoning up his bottom suit as he sat there looking at my nacked body. I sat up as I crawled to him as I sat in between his legs, he looked down at my breasts and down to my exposed body, he reached for the blanket pulled a side of it on my body as he leaned backward, taking me with him. Nestling me in his arms in the same position I was in before I woke up.

I looked up , but to my surprise he was gazing at me with his orange eyes, his face blank expression, I looked at him with confusion as an uneasy feeling ran down my spine. And he just kept gazing at me.

"Uh penny?.."I called his name out softly, he blinked softly as he titled his head to side a gentle smile appeared on his face.

"I must go, stay here." He said sternly as he got up causing me to roll and softly land beside him. He crouched down as he pulled the blanket on my side. He stood tall, towering over me like always.

"Penn, where are you going..?" I asked , confused of why he suddenly decided to leave,but before I could speak up once again he pulled his hand behind his back right before he pulled out and surprisingly he was holding sandwich and a small water bottle in his huge hand, making me wonder how was he able to do these things..

"Here, feed."

My eyes stayed wide in shock as he softly thrown them in my lap, leaning down once again as he gave me a peek on my forehead, before he backed up , I looked down at the sandwich and water bottle in my lap slightly touching them to see if they were real. I looked up to see penny but all I saw was a red balloon flouting in the midair. He was gone to my disappointment.I looked at the food on my lap as I placed it next to me as I layed on my side.wishing if he could come back soon.

It's been a half of hour and yet there was no sign of penny, thinking where would he possibly go when there is nowhere in the first place.somthing I need to figure out later though I was thinking about my future with penny, what will happen to me in not very distance future.. how long we are ganna last.. thought not every relationship takes forever, what if he ends up ending me, what if he become tired of me and toss me to other side as if Im nothing but a toy, no.. penny would never do that, at least I hope he won't.

I looked over to the food he have gave me, as I slowly sat up. Holding the sandwich in front of my mouth, I took a small bite making sure if it's good to eat, thought it came penny's back at the first place.
Once I made sure it was ok I bite down onto the sandwich, I didn't knew how hungry I was till now, but I saved some of it for later, thought the sandwich itself was huge. I drinked some water after ward as I placed it down next to the rest of the half eaten sandwich.

I layed back down slowly as my back landed on top some blankets, pulling the blanket over me, as it's warmth geld me in place. I felt myself slowly drifting off to sleep as I closed my eyes shut, peacefully drifting off into a deep colorful dream..

Making me wish I Could have a life with penny as colourful as my dreams..

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