chapter 10

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I could hear heavy foot steps walking around , but it wasn't close to my guess it must be out side of this room, or.. so called room. I slowly opened my eyes founding I was still alone in here, I slowly yet painfully sat up. Sleeping on the hard floor isn't a good idea, even with a fluffy blanket under, it was still hard.

I brushed my hair with my fingers, rubbing my eyes to get rid of sleepiness,I looked over and pick the water bottle up and drank some water, also bitting on my half eaten sandwich,I stood up fixing my clothes on my body, slowly walking towards the door, setting my small hand on the old door handle, slowly turning in and opening the door slowly, I slightly looked outside, and to my surprise there well dark gray stinky walls and holes, water running down from them slightly, also old dusty toys could be seem .I opened the door fully as I carefully stepped down a few stairs in front of me, old..

Soon I stood on the dirty ground I looked around me , fear rising up as I could see now ALOT of old dolls and toys around pilling up, I turned over to where I were, it was something like a trailer, a room a clown could get ready in like 19th century , it was so old yet a hint of colours could be seem, the door was slightly dark red and on the Cabin frame there was a hint of white and red lines on. Around this cabin and on top were a lot of old toys and dolls I didn't bother to look up, so I kept my head in from of me...

Suddenly a crunch like noise pulled me back to reality, I slowly walked over the the place where the noise have came from, fear rushing over my veins, trying to calm myself,

It's just penny... it's just penny..

I walked over and I saw penny sitting on the far corner, his back at me, the crunching sounds kept going, to my guess he must me eating something , I kept quiet, his back muscles moved as he kept on eating the thing. He looked so evil..

"Penny?.." I whispered and he froze, slowly turning over..

To my horror His costume and mouth was bloody, with monsterous teeths , his eyes glowing red with dark and huge claws holding a....... no...

There was a baby in his grasp.....

My skin turned pale white and my body was trembling like crazy, But there was no scream coming out on me, I was too scared to scream,I took a few steps back ward,and then..I SCREAMED at top of my lungs and as fast as I could I ran away.

"IVY!!!" I heard him rour out my name, and I could feel him chasing me, so I ran as fast as I could, it felt as if I was flying.

I ran in one of the tunnels, the darkness was too pour to let me see any damn shit, but it seems as if my legs would not stop, as if now they had a mind of their own. I ran and ran, hitting walls in progress and runned through the sewer.

"COME BACK!!!" I heard him growl, and heavy foot steps became closer, and I ran faster then a human could possibly run.

And soon I saw a dim light at the end of the tunnel and my eyes filled with happiness, I run out through it, and through the woods, I felt fear for Penny in place of love I used to feel for him,he was eating a baby, a innocent baby.. how could I love this evil..and my mind wonder how many kids and baby he had hunted down..

I kept running, his heavy foot steps was still there but not so close, a little far.

"PLEASE!! IVY!!" I heard him screamed.. more growls coming.

Suddenly I felt myself trip over a rock and hardly fell on the ground, my head hitting the ground hardly, and I felt my vision gone blur. I blinked over and over as I now saw, a giant spider looking creature slowly walked towards me. It has four arms and legs with sharp tips. I looked up to see pennywise face with a mix of sadness and anger. Now he stood Infront of me, his dark shadow covered my small and frightened body as he bowed a little near me.

He reached out for me, with his two huge hands causing me to scream in fear, I crawled back ward quickly as I stood on my feet, holding my head, a little dizzy from hitting the ground. I ran away in time as he tried to grab me.

"DON'T BE STUBBORN!!" he screamed, ones again, trying to chase me, but he was faster, he wad almost reaching me.

I saw a Road near by, and I ran through it, taking a look behind me as I got through the road, to my confusion I saw Penn stopped and his mouth wide open in shock and fear, trying to reach out for me from a far .I looked over me as a loud honk and blinding light could be seen, my body froze as the large truck tried to stop, but failed.

I felt all my bones breaking as the truck hit me full speed, nocking the soul out of me as I felt myself be thrown to the other side, roughly hitting the ground as the truck rolled over upside down, stopped by a far, suddenly the truck exploded burning on the background.

I cried out in to much pain, I didn't even knew it was possible for me to still be alive, or b able to handle this. I felt blood pouring out of my legs and body. From what I could feel, both my legs, ribs,left arm,hips, spine was Brocken I couldn't even move my eyes became too heavy, not able to see perfectly, everything was blur...

And then, I saw penny rushing up on top of me, his experisson a mix of sadness, anger, fear. He stared over the burning truck, then back at me, his eyes filled with tears and it glowed burning red, suddenly he hunged his head Downward and roured loudly, at the last he brock to sobs. He then moved his head to my direction, walking closer to me as he ones again reached out for me. Suddenly I felt my body flout upward and gently layed on his flat open palms. I SCREAMED in pain in progress, everything hurts...badly.

"..why.." he mumbled as he tried to tittle my head with his finger to his direction, I gritted my teeths in sudden anger.

"..m_monster.." I said while whimpers of pain cutted me from talking. I suddenly felt unsafe, Im on the palm of the most strong monster in my the most valnerble state. He can simply just end my life in his palm.. but he didn't.

He signed as he began to turn over to walk away, I did another stupid move as I tried to hit his thumb away with my left well being arm, but was really to weak to do anything, it only caused him to look down at me and gently move his thumb over my arm and pushed it down, so I couldn't move it, it hurt to much to try to get free, even though he wasn't actually pushing it and holding me.

I looked up at him while crying out my eyes, coughing some blood out of my mouth as I looked at his deadly eyes.

"I.._ h_hate..y_you.." I cried, trying to keep my eyes open,but couldn't resist it, and it seems my words hit him hard as he mumbled ' don't say that..'. he noticed I was blacking out, and he knew if I did..

I would die..

All of the sudden he opened his huge mouth, his eyes rolled to the back of his head as he opened his mouth farther and further, I could see rows and rows of sharp teeths be shown, I SCREAMED out in fear as I held on tight on his thumb.

I noticed three glowing orbs softly shown through the dark night, I all of the sudden stopped screaming and found myself becoming relaxed and dizzy, Penny slowly brought me closer to his mouth, all most to the point where his sharp teeth would tear me if They came any closer.

I kept on gazing at the lights, the sounds of giggles and laughter could be heard from distance, as if it was coming from the lights, I noticed the lights coming closer to me and I could see, there was tree glowing robs dancing in circles,all pain I had suddenly vanished, as if I couldn't feel them anymore. Lights became closer, so near I could even touch them..I wasn't feeling like myself.

I felt whole world turned upside down as my finger touched on of the orbs, my vision became so blurry and the sound of soft giggles and singing filled my hearing,and with that my whole vision went black, but I could feel my eyes open.

"Everything will be alright, my love."

"You'll be alright"

dead lights (penny wise love fan -fic )Where stories live. Discover now