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At School

"Damn Sana you looking fine today", the boy whistle at her.

"I know", she said and winked at the guy.

"Sis stop staring at my friend it's creepy", Chae said.

"I wasn't staring", I said.

"If you say so goodbye", she said and walked away.

"Good Morning Mummy", Sana said and winked at me.

"I anit your mummy", i said.

"For me you are", she said and walked away. 

She purposely pretend to drop something in front of me and bent down. I could see her fucking knickers. Her skirt's way to high.

"Sana!", i said trying to not sound annoyed.

"Yes miss", she said and walked over to me.

"You did that on purpose", i said.

"Of course i did. Good to know that you were looking", she smirked.

"Pull your skirt down", i said.

"Why??", she asked.

"I anit having this conversation with you", i said and went into my classroom.

"Why not?", she asked following me into the classroom.

My Classroom

"Why you following me now?", i said and sat down on my chair. 

She locked the classroom door and sat on my lap.

"Cause I want to know", she said.

"Know what. And why are you sitting on me", i asked.

"Mummy i know you liked what you saw and i am gonna sit on you because it will be more seductive", she said.

"What do you want?", i asked.

"I really like you. I like that you always push me away. Makes me wanna try harder for you. I want to kiss you wake up with you next to me", she said explained.

"Sana i am 7 years older than you and I'm engaged can't you find someone else to flirt with", i said.

"They don't have the same reaction as you. I don't care about the age gap or that you have a boyfriend. He most probably doesn't even treat you right always think about money", she said.

"All men are the same they want Money and use girls for sex. Your boyfriend on a business trip so he doesn't have to know about your relationship with me. You never know he could be fucking some bitch right now", she said.

 I hate to admit it's most probably true.

"You know if i get caught being with you out in public ill get arrested cause your underaged", i said.

"Then we will stay at my house. My dad is rarely home", she said.

"But your dangerous knowing you. You will flirt with other people", i said and looked away.

"I won't. I know i am dangerous but i really like you miss", she said and turn my face too look at her.

"You know what ill take the risk of you being dangerous if i catch you flirting with someone i will give you a punishment", i said and wrapped my hand around her waist.

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