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Jihyo pov

At the beach

I head straight to the sea.

"JIHYO WAIT UP", Chae shouted.

"NO NO NO THIS ISN'T REAL IT'S A NIGHTMARE!", i shouted while crying.

"What's wrong?", Chae asked.

I went into the sea and dragged Sana out and put her on the sand.

"Holy shit", Chae said.

"Call an ambulance", i said crying over Sana body.

"She's dead", Chae said.

"No she not she is alive",i said.

"How will she survive being stabbed then drown to death", Chae said.

"I am sorry Sana please i beg for you to be alive. You can't leave me now we were meant to get married", i said and put her cut hand on my face.

"OMG THERE YOU ARE", Mum shouted.

"She's not gonna die right mum", i said.

"Check her pulse", she said.

"She not breathing mum", i said panicking.

"Honey it's gonna be okay. She will fight for you i can tell", Mum said.

"Move out the way we will take her to the hospital", Nurse said.

At the hospital

I am now staring at her body waiting for her to wake her up.

"Excuse me Miss but i can speak to you", police officer said.

"Yes", i said.

"Is there anyone who would want to harm Sana?", he asked.

"My ex-boyfriend he called me and told me she was dead..i didn't believe it but she was missing and i was looking for her everywhere but then i went to the beach and that how i found her",i responded.

"I think this attempt murder",he replied.

"So she not dead??", I asked.

"You'll have to ask the nurse", he said and left. 

Sana room

I went back to Sana and held her hand.

"Tell me your not gonna leave me", i said.

"She not dead", the nurse said. 

I just looked at her.

"She lucky if you didn't save her she would've of died", she said. 

I felt my hand get tighter.

I look down and saw Sana eyes opening.

"Sana...", i said and started to cry.

"Don't cry", she said and wipe my tears.

"I'll let you two speak alone", the nurse said.

"I thought you were dead", i said.

"You think i am that weak", she said.

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