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just as i thought, I'm in a secluded forest. not knowing where i am, i start walking letting my mind wonder and roam, as i start to calm and relax the leaves that have fallen from the trees around me start to rise from the floor, looking at the trees i realize that the leaves don't start till about three feet above my head, some of the crinkled brown leaves that was rising above me started to change from a brown to a healthy green and some even reattached themselves to the trees above me. i feel light and free as i glide through the trees the same thing happening to the other trees as i pass underneath them till i come across a large beautiful lake, the surfaces of the lake is so smooth that you can see the reflection of the trees all around the edges, the lake looks to be in a perfect circle, from where i stand i can see the sun setting behind two mountains opposite me, i have felt free and at peace since being here, unfortunately i have to think about the two people who are after me the petite girl and the attractive guy, he seemed to know a lot about me and i needed to figure out where i went wrong and let someone follow my trail.

i step onto the water and when i feel it harden under my feet i calmly walk to the center of the lake, once there i look down at my reflection and realize i will need to wash soon as I'm starting to look slightly messy, my brown and red hair was tousled and had a bit of twigs stick out of it my fringe that covers my eyes by a inch or two swept to the right my eyes were changing as I watched my reflection, they are normally hazel with black slits all the way through, now they were flashing between multiple colors like blue, red and purple, even white and black, my skin was that awkward color where it is slightly tanned, yet iv been called pale as well,I'm about five foot eleven inches tall, I'm wearing a fitted black shirt and waist coat both were wrinkled, my jeans were also black skinny's, i smiled at my reflection with my perfect cupids bow, cherry color lips, i know people think I'm attractive but i cant deal with normal people, I'm to dangerous to be close to them. i stop staring at myself and sit and clear my mind and zone completely out. as soon as i have found my center, even though my eyes are closed, lights appear in my vision and i follow these lights wondering what is happening, looking down i notice I'm not sitting no more I'm floating in a black void, the lights have slowed down and stopped in front of me. i can start to make out a form standing or maybe floating in front of me, first i can tell its a female, then details start to become noticeable, like the dress she is wearing, a long flowing piece of material that holds together over one shoulder, curves in at the waist and billows out as if there is a slight breeze blowing all around her, silver hair almost as long as she is, was lifting up around her reminding me of moonlight, she had soft subtle features that i couldn't focus on, the only feature that i could keep in my mind, it was imprinted on my mind was the color of her eyes they were the same as mine was while i used my powers a shimmering purple that looks like it is liquid, we locked eyes then i could hear her "oh young child of mine, you always run, are you not tiered yet" I'm unsure who she is yet i feel close to her and like i should be honest "yes i am tiered, but i will keep running, if my life depends on it, and right now it is only fear that keeps me going" i feel a sadness coming from her even if i cannot tell if she is smiling or not, it seemed like forever before she replied again "the only advice i can give you is don't run no more, there's no need to, they will help you" I'm not sure what she means "what does that mean and who will help me?" i sensed a struggle from within her but i couldn't understand why it was there "i cannot tell you who or why, but i can tell you this prophesy" with that she flew backwards a bit and her arms shot out wide, a glow shone around her that was the same color as her eyes and her voice rose and vibrated with power.

"alone her only child is.

darkness and light must coexist,

the only one who belongs to both.

control what is within,

choose where you shall begin.

find your heritage,

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