Chapter 3

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(Last Time)

Angel rolled her eyes as she saw their childish antics, before she performed a forced closure. The twins vanished in a flash of golden light, waving goodbye to the bald Wizard Saint and their user as they did. Angel quickly focused her attention back on Jura.

"Ichiya is only unconscious...? Why did you not kill him... when you had the chance?" Jura groaned out as he felt the effects of fake-Ichiya's attacks seeping through him, paralyzing both his body and magic.

"Don't tempt me." Angel replied mockingly, though Jura was able to see she was lying. She had the opportunity to kill Ichiya and stop him from ever interfering in her plans and yet she didn't, just as she had the opportunity to strike him down now. These were not the actions of a truly Dark Wizard; he knew from reports that she had of course killed before when fighting other wizards, but it seemed she wasn't capable of cold blooded murder, how interesting.

"Now then, where was I? Oh yes, I was just about to knock you out of the game." Angel said, oblivious to Jura's thoughts as she raised her high heeled boots and slammed her down onto his skull with a thudding sound, knocking Jura out as she did so.

"Now we just have this Percy to deal with and then we are in the clear." Angel muttered to herself as she uncorked another of Ichiya's red vials and dropped it next to Jura's head so it would keep him incapacitated. She had already found out their plans and reported it to Brain, just as she had sent the alliance's airship to where some of the Dark Guild's loyal to Oración Seis were waiting, these Guild's would hijack the airship so it could be used against their enemies.

( - )

Chapter 3

(With the Alliance Members)

Ignoring the shouts of Gray and Lucy as they chased after him, Natsu continued to run through the North Woodsea Forest, shouting out challenges and trying to use his superior senses to find the members of Oración Seis as he did so. It was he was starting to think, a mistake to run off alone into the forest. But he had been so caught up in the excitement he had not stopped to think properly, now though as he continued to lope through the forest he began to realise he had perhaps been a bit premature in leaving the Blue Pegasus mansion and the rest of the alliance.

Slowing his pace down so as to allow Gray, Lucy and whoever else was following him to catch up. Natsu was aware that at least those two were behind him, he had after all, previously been ignoring their, figuring that as long as he could hear them, then he knew they were keeping up, which meant he had no reason to slow down. It was with that in mind that he slowed his pace down to a walk so that he could wait for them to catch up.

It appeared that he had made the right call, as upon slowing down, he suddenly caught the scents of five unfamiliar people nearby. It didn't not take Natsu long to come to the assumption that these five people could be from Oración Seis.

Stopping completely now, a guarded look appeared on Natsu's face as he waited for his back up to arrive. He might be loud and a bit hardheaded at times but he was not stupid, he knew that he wouldn't have a chance of beating five powerful Dark Wizards at the same time, even if the thought of fighting against such odds was exciting. All the same he knew the mission should come first, which was why he waited for Lucy and Gray to catch up.

"God damn it flame brain!" Gray shouted as he ran up to Natsu, an irritated expression on his face. "What were you thinking running off like that?!"

"Gray not so loudly." Lucy said nervously behind Gray as she looked around the forest, a bit creeped out by how dark and quiet it was. "We don't know where the Dark Wizards we are supposed to be fighting are."

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