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The crowd clapped as Phoenix walked across stage, Ethan smiling as he watched her. Graduation was finally here.

Alondra's name was called right after hers, and she had a huge grin on her face as she walked too. Everyone was a bundle of excitement and nerves today.

He was next, and as Ethan walked, his eyes landed on his parents and older sister in the crowd. He shook the principals hand, grabbed his diploma, and the second he stepped off that stage felt free.

He turned his attention to watch Grayson walk, grinning as he sunk back into his seat. It was funny, how they all ended up being in a row. Of course it was by last name, but it just seemed fitting.

Phoenix and Alondra were a little awkward next to each other though. They had no bad blood, just knew they both loved the same boy. Not to mention they spent months at odds, Alondra pissed when thinking Phoenix cheated and Phoenix being mean to drive them away.

"You got new earrings," Alondra whispers to him as the ceremony continues. "Kinda miss the black ones."

Ethan laughs, shaking his head as she reaches up to fiddle with the new, small hoops in his ear. "Thought it was time for a change."

"You look less tough with these ones," she teases. "But I like them."

He just sends her a smile, turning his attention back to the stage. The ceremony is pretty boring, but he's happy to finally be graduated. He has a feeling it's going to be a good summer. Him and Grayson make their way over to their family afterward, being pulled in for congratulatory hugs. Cameron swipes the cap off of Ethan's head as she does.

"Gray told me you've been having some girl trouble."

"Of course he did," Ethan rolls his eyes, looking down at his sister. "You come home to see us graduate and that's the first thing you talk to me about?"

"Well you haven't mentioned it at all over the phone even though he said it's been happening since February," she says, crossing her arms. Grayson was talking to their parents about something, so she had pulled him to the side to ask questions. "Two girls?"

"Mhm," he says, pointing to Phoenix. "You know Phoenix, obviously. But then, there's Alondra."

Cameron looks to the two girls as he points to them with their families. "So what's the problem?" She asks. "What's so complicated?"

"I just--I really can't decide. And even if I could I wouldn't wanna hurt either of them... and they both kind of hurt me this year too," Ethan mumbles, his bottom lip jutting out. "Things are so different with both of them, Cam. I want them both in my life."

She sighs, looking at her brother, "you gotta make a decision, bud. I'm sure they'll understand."

He frowns, nodding slowly. Ethan knew he couldn't keep them both hanging in limbo forever, but he still felt like he was waiting for some sort of sign. There was no moment where he just felt like he knew what he wanted. In fact, he still felt like he was missing something, or waiting for something to happen before he'd be ready.

Ethan had felt lost for most of the year, and maybe that was just something that came with this part of life. It was such an uncertain time--finishing high school, deciding to go to college or not, figuring out what to do with your life--most people probably felt a little lost.

The feeling was eating at Ethan though, more than it should. That, on top of the heartbreak and confusion, had made it a much harder year for him.

His parents and Grayson came back over toward them, more hugs all around. They're going out for dinner after, but the two boys walk off to go talk to friends first. They'll meet up with their family again later.

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