The Past

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"Hey waitt.. why aren't you guys talking to me?? What have I done wrong???", he fasten his steps to catch up with his friend.

One of his friend turned back and slapped him on his cheek and pushed him down. "Stay away from us, Gulf. You promised us to help us with our family's business!! But you broke the promise, Gulf!!"

"W—what? It isn't my fault, I tried my best to consult with dad, but he won't cooperate with me!!". He stomped his feet, protesting.

They didn't bother to hear it and continued walking to leave Gulf alone at the back.

"H—hey just because of that... you guys won't be my friends anymore???? Then, how about all the memories we have made?", his voice cracked up due to the sobs.

"Don't make us laugh, Gulf.. we were being your friends to ask you for a help. Since you can't help us, there's no point staying friends anymore."

"Then.... everything... was fake?", he sobbed harder.

"Obviously". "You're from the Kanawuts, Gulf. People will approach you for reasons. Stop being so naive, Gulf", they all laughed at him. He felt miserable and heartbroken. Since then, he never made any friends and scared to socialise with people.

Gulf jolted up. His face was drenched with sweat and tears. He was panting hard. He cried again. The nightmare kept repeating throughout the whole night. Several times, he vomited inside the toilet bowl.

When morning arrived, his face was severely pale and his body was extremely dehydrated from the non stop crying and vomiting.

A knock on his door was heard. "Nong~ have you wake up? It's morning now~". No answer from inside. He tried to open it but it was locked from the inside. Gulf never lock his door before. He couldn't bear the consequences if anything happened to Gulf — his only responsibilities. He knocked harder until Gulf slightly opened the door a bit. Just enough for Mew to look at him — his pale looking face.

"Hey you ok?".

"Yea.. I accidentally locked the door yesterday..."

"No... I mean your face... you look pale", he cupped Gulf's cheek and placed his forehead against his to check his body temperature. "You're rather hot today..". He took out something from his pocket. "Here pills.. I heard your mucus sound yesterday from my room.. so, I guess you're having flu.. I bought you some pills".

The face of his childhood 'friends' smiling at him suddenly appeared inside his mind. The fake smile and laughter. He slapped Mew's hand, causing the pills to drop on the floor.

Mew was shocked. He picked up the pills and asked Gulf to rest inside his room. He will bring new medicine from the kitchen.

"It's ok phi... I just... wanna rest...". He pulled the door to close it, but Mew held the door by his arms. "What?". He started to feel annoyed by Mew.

"Uh.. Can I go out for a while".

Gulf eyed him with his reddish eyes caused by the all-nighter crying. "Where to?", he asked.

"Uh.... that's weird.. you never ask me where I want to go before... what happened, Nong??". He scratched his non itchy nape, confused with Gulf's sudden change of behaviour today.

"Urghh then...Just go if you want.. I wanna rest. Lift your arm, Phi..". As ordered, Mew lifted his arms and Gulf immediately closed the door and locked it. He doesn't want Mew to interfere him later — at least for a couple of hours before he sorts out this issue.

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