Mew Suppasit - Side Story

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I decided to write this chapter since I didn't focus much on Mew's perspective before hehe.. this chapter will focus more on Mew's feelings and stuffs na~ enjoy..

"You're my only hope, son"

"You're my only hope, son"

"Only hope.."

The car skidded to a halt. Mew woke up from his daydream. He looked over the car's window. They were in his old hometown — the slum. He came here to pay whatever debt Kanawut had left under his dad's name. "Come on.. they are waiting for you inside the house", the man named Kit leaded him into the house. He had a grey ash coloured hair, tanned skin and a bit shorter from Mew.

"Hey there, N' Mew. You came back pretty early.." a man in a dark suit was sitting cross legged on the sofa, waiting for him to enter. There was another man on his left and a woman on his right. They both were staring at him with a sharp eyes. Meanwhile, the guy named Kit just now, was waiting outside of the main door.

"Oh.. phi' Kris.. yea.. I ran with some sorts of trouble..", Mew sat on the sofa opposite him.

"Did you bring the money? You know I won't tolerate with you anymore if—"

"Yea.. I bought it", he placed a bag full of cash on the coffee table between them. "Kla, check the money for me". As instructed, the man on his left went to check the money inside the bag. He counted it and showed an 'okay' sign to his boss.

"Alright then, we won't bother you anymore.. you may go now, N'Mew".

Although he got the green light to go, he still haven't budge to move. "Hey Mew.. you can go now", Kla told him again.

"I can't.... I don't have money.. or car.. or any place to go.. looks like I need to stay with you guys for a while", he smirked. Teasing is always inside his blood. No matter the situation.

"Bullshit, no you can't!! You agreed to move out 3 years ago!!", Kla shouted at him.

"I know I know.. oh jeez.. You don't need to be so harsh on me, y'know.. Just until I found place to go", he shrugged.

"You both, stop it right there!!", Kris shouted at them. "Honestly, when will you both matured?", he sighed. Mew and Kla just wouldn't get along. They fought nearly everyday, sometimes it was just mouth-to-mouth fight, but it can go beyond to physical fights too.

"Where's your money, Mew?". He asked.

"I don't know.. it just disappeared, I guess".

"Answer me seriously, Mew!", he punched the table. Everyone in the room went silent, waiting for Mew's answer.

Mew gulped. He knew he will be a dead meat if he continues his teasing plays. "I took just enough money to pay the debt from the Kanawut's house". He looked down, avoiding eyes contact with Kris.

"And.. why you didn't take some money? You just stole millions of dollars from the house.. some hundreds bucks more won't make any difference".

"I... just can't....". He gulped his saliva to moisturise his dry throat.

"Do you perhaps have something special that blocked you from doing so?", Kris asked. The question pierced thru his heart like a knife.

"Ah.. so you really in love with the Kanawut's kid??", Kla mocked him. He laughed at Mew.

"You know you shouldn't—"

"I KNOW!! JUST mind your business ok? I'm going out", he get up and walked out furiously.

"Ah.. seems like he lost his temper again.. you spoiled him too much, Kris", Kla sighed and rested his body on the sofa.

The woman who kept silent throughout the entire conversation went to give a smack on Kla's head. "It's because of you, moron!!". Kla whimpered in pain.

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