Chapter 5

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"Hey,you boys"Pruk 

Mew and his friends looked behind them to see Win,Dean and Pruk are already standing behind them all

"What's going on here" Dean
"Nothing we are just playing around"Mew friend 

Mannow and Pharm took their chance,they push Mew friends and run behind Dean,Win and Pruk while Mew are still gripping Team tightly but Team eyes already fill with tears because the pain and of what Mew say just a second ago

"Nothing you say,you guys were about to beat us"Mannow
"Yes,that's right"Pharm
"Huh,ridiculous"Mew friend 
"Why would us wanted to beat you guys"Mew friend 
"Because you guys were angry when we wanted to protect Team from you guys"Mannow
"Yeah,let go of Team"Pharm 

Win looked at Team who are about to cried then he looked at Mew who still gripping Team hand,Win walked towards Mew and Team with a death glare to Mew friends who already looked down. Win standing beside Team and hold Team waist while the other hand hold Mew hand where it still grip on Team hand 

"Let go of him,now"Win

Win looked at Mew eyes where it full of scared when Win looked at him like a death stare,Mew quickly let go of Team hand before that he take a last stare at Team and Win then walked away with his friends without saying anything 

Team look at Mew who already gone from his sight,Team quickly sigh and gently touch his hand where it already look blue like it was a bruise. Team didn't realize that Win were the one who save him and still hold his waist,

"Thank you for helping m-"Team

Team didn't finish his sentence because he saw Win,who the one bump to him and saying something rude to him even thought he already said sorry

"You huh"Team
"You hate me that much huh"Win
"Well kinda"Team
"How about take this as my apology"Win

When Win say like that to Team,Team were shocked a little when hearing what Win say to him,Team just chuckled a little then he nod his head but Win felt something is not done yet so he made it up quickly 

"I'm sorry for talking rudely to you"Win
"Aren't I already take your apology"Team
"Well,it doesn't felt right"Win
"Okay then,your apology accepted"Team 

Team smile at Win then walked towards the others who are talking about something that made the situation not felt silent 




"Thank you again for helping us"Mannow
"I really appreciate your help"Pharm
"Thank you"Team 

Before Mannow,Pharm and Team about to leave the school,they made sure they thanks to Dean,Win and Pruk who helped them

"See you guys tomorrow"Pruk

Team,Pharm and Mannow smile at Pruk then walked away from Win,Dean and Pruk who are still looking at them with smile making them looking like an idiot. After a few minutes,they realize that they had something to do so they quickly leaving school and went to home 


Team walked inside his condo with the bag on his hand,he throw his back on the floor and punch the wall with full of anger and tears in his eyes. Team still remember what Mew say to him and what he did from the past,Team couldn't believe Mew will said it in front of his friends and making him remember the past

Team punch the wall many times making his hands hurt and have blood on the wall and on his hand,he slowly seating down on the floor with tears all over his face

"I fucking hate you,Mew"Team 




Team come to school with bandage all over his hand where he use to punch the wall,Team eyes are fluffy and red because of crying yesterday night remember everything what happened between Team and Mew

"Team"Mannow and Pharm 

Team looked up to see his friends are walking towards him with a big smile form on their face but that smile faded away after seeing how horrible Team look like

"Yah,are you alright"Mannow
"I'm okay"Team 
"I think you are not because your hand are all bandage and your eyes are fluffy and red like you just crying"Pharm
"Yes,tell us everything maybe we can help you"Pharm
"I don't think so"Team
"Hey,we are friends okay"Mannow

Team smile when hearing what Mannow said,he just sigh then he nodded his head then they walked towards a bench where there full of flowers and trees 

"So where do you want to start"Team
"Well,we wanted to know why Mew your cousin like that doing that to you"Mannow
"If you don't feel uncomfortable we can skip this part"Pharm 

Team just smile at Pharm and Mannow then he sigh a little to made himself calm a little and not feel shocked or scared

"No,its okay. I will tell you about my story"Team 

To Be Continue~

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