Chapter 8

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"Okay,who going to start first"Team
"I'm going to start first"Win
"Go ahead"Team 

Win took a deep breath while Team just watch Win who are trying his best to organize the sentence so Team will understand what he saying 

"My name is Win,I'm 20 years old and I love tattoos,piercings,swimming and devil things. I live alone in condo because my parents live abroad but I don't have siblings just me, I like tidy things and I know how to cooked but I don't like chaos or place that to loud"Win
"Okay,my turn.My name is Team,I'm 18 years old and I love painting,taking photos and loves playing with water but didn't know how to swim like a little kid and people say I'm like little kid because I like sweet things but I know how to cooked,do all the chores and love place that aren't dirty"Team 

Win and Team looking at each other like they didn't know each other but then burst to laugh because they think this things are lame like being backed to being kids 

"Okay okay that's enough now we two are already friends"Win
"Yup but still embarrassing "Team 
"At least,we know each other"Win
"That kinda true well I got to go my class are about to start "Team
"Well,let's go together"Win
"Okay but hurry I don't want to be late for class"Team

Win wink at Team and run inside the bathroom where he can take a bath and change his clothes while Team waiting for Win to finish,Team playing with the water a little to made him not feel bored while waiting for Win then after a few minutes,Win already done changes and they start to walked towards their class together 


Win walked inside the class after sent Team to his class,Win walked while looking at the phone but still realize many girls are looking at him like they were falling in love. When Win walked inside the class he saw Pruk and Dean who already inside the class looking like happy with love,he looked at his classmates who just same as him didn't know what is wrong with Pruk and Dean so Win made way towards them then hit the table making them cut their dozing times 

"Where the hell are you guys"Win
"A-ah.....well,coach called us"Pruk
"Sorry if we didn't tell you because we in hurry"Dean
"Then why you guys looked so happy"Win
"Are we"Dean 

Win just shacked his head and start to take seat beside Dean,Win opened his books and start to doing his worked didn't care about his friends who still looking like person who falling in love 


Team were checking his phone after the second class end,he were scrolling the facebook same as Pharm and Mannow

Team scrolling again and again but suddenly he stop scrolling when seeing a photo like Win were walking with someone,he looked closely to see the one  who walked with Win are him. He was shocked to see that photo and even shocked are that,that time Win were patting his head because he had to go inside the class then suddenly he felt some stare looking at him. Team looked at his friends who are looking at him with shocked face but he act like he didn't see it so he start to looked at phone but stop again when seeing his two friends were seating down with Dean and Pruk  happily 

"Wow,this is getting serious"Team 

Team looked at his friends who had a smile form on their face,Team just sigh and made a death stare towards his friends 

"So mind to explain"Team
"We just bump to each other so that's why we were hanging out together"Pharm
"Oh, coincidence"Team
"Now,what about you"Mannow
"He just send me to class"Team
"Really huh"Pharm 

Pharm show something at Team,Team eyes become bigger when seeing a picture of him watching Win swim,talking with Win and when he was inside the locker room with Win

"How can they take this photo even inside the locker room"Team
"They are incredible and talented to be a stalker"Mannow
"Yup and now we have to be careful or not there are going to be a rumor around us inside this school"Pharm 

To Be Continue~

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