Chapter 9

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Team were walking towards his car but he felt like someone are following him,Team looked behind to see no one so he continue walking but he still felt like someone were following him again. Team just ignored it and start to walked faster scared that he will get hurt,Team just walked faster but then he bump to someone making him fall 

"Are you okay,Team"Win

When Team hear Win voice, he quickly stand up and looked behind him with fear inside him making Win worry about Team 

"What are you looking at,Team"Win
"A-ah,no one"Team 

Team felt worry and scared but he just kept positive and think that its just his imaginary mind,Team show a smile at Win so Win won't feel worry about him 

"Why are you here,P'Win"Team
"I just got out from the toilet"Win
"Oh,you want to walked with me until the parking lot"Team
"Sounds great"Win 

Win and Team start to walked away leaving a person who the one following Team but luckily him he didn't get caught,Team and Win arrive at the parking lot after a long walked to get out from that school

"Thanks for walking with me,P'Win"Team
"Nah,its okay. Oh yeah I almost forget,I didn't even get your number"Win
"Ah,that's right"Team 

Team give his phone at Win while Win give his phone to Team so this two can type their number on it then they try to call each other to made sure the number are right 

"Okay then,see you later Team"Win

Team and Win get inside their car and start to drive the car towards their home with a smile form on their face,they didn't know why they felt happy but its just made them wanted to feel it again and again 




Team just finish taking a bath and now he was seating on the bed while watching a TV with snacks on his hands but then his phone start to ringing making him startled a little,he looked at the ID to see Win the one who called him. Team put down his snacks and start to pick up the call 

"Sorry if I bothering you,what are you doing right now"Win 
"Watching television,you"Team
"Just finish study"Win
"Oh,why are you calling me are you bored"Team
"No actually, I'm going to play some games.I called you because I want you to see me swim tomorrow if you okay with that,I know that tomorrow you don't have class but can you accompany me"Win
"Okay plus I don't have anything to do tomorrow"Team 
"How about I take you with me to school,how about that"Win 

Team were kinda shocked hearing what Win say,Team didn't know what to answer because his heart kept beating so fast but that was last for a minutes because he got cut by Win who are worry about Team who didn't answer his request 

"Are you okay"Win
"Ah,sorry.T-that's a good idea"Team
"Okay then I will pick you up at 8.00 a.m and don't forget to sent me your location"Win
"Okay,see you tomorrow"Team
"Bye,good night Team"Win
"Night to you too"Team 

Team end the called with his heart beating so fast,he don't know what is wrong with him. Team never felt this feelings before but he know its feel good and made him feel happy while Win who are smiling after end the called with Team

"Such a cute boy"Win 

To Be Continue~

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