Chapter 10

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   Team wake up by the sound of his phone alarm,he off the alarm and start to do his routine

Team wait for Win to come at downstairs inside the condo,Team kinda felt nervous and happy. Team looked at his phone to see he a bit early than usually but he didn't cared because he won't made Win wait for him then after at exactly time Win already arrive

"Good morning,Team"Win
"Did you wait long"Win
"Not at all"Team 

Team getting inside Win car same as Win then Win start the car and drive towards their school,they didn't felt the atmosphere inside the car are awkward because they always have some topics to talked with 

"Ah,did you already eat breakfast"Win
"No yet,you"Team
"Same,how about we eat at school"Win
"Good ideas"Team

Win were smiling a little looking at Team who are looking outside of the window while pouting his mouth without even realizing it then after a few minutes,they already arrive inside the school. Win parked the car smoothly without mistake making Team in amazed with his drive skill

"Let's go"Win 

Team and Win walked out from the car and made way towards the canteen where it supposed to close but because of the swimming club they had to opened it,Team waited for Win who the one going to buy food for him and himself while Team will buy drinks for both of them 

"Here your food"Win




"Seat there and watch me swim okay"Win
"Okay,I will and I'm going to record it"Team
"Suit for yourself,Team"Win 

Win smirk at Team who already pull out his phone and take his picture even thought he didn't even swim yet,Team watch carefully when Win swimming like he was in competition. Win didn't just practice swim he coaching the other member to focus and how to get faster in swimming while Dean and Pruk do the same as Win but they only do it for a minutes then they start to looked at the files and seating down beside Team 

"Team,can you help me for a second"Pruk
"Of course,what is it"Team
"Here,please hold the files that I already fill in"Pruk

Team helped Dean and Pruk while waiting for Win to take a break,it feels like Team are one of the club member helping the president and the assistant of the president of the club then Win walked towards Team,Dean and Pruk with the towel all over his shoulder 

"Is there anything I can help with"Win
"Nope,you already done a lot"Team
"Yup,his right"Dean
"Okay then"Win 

Win just watch his three friends doing the worked but then suddenly Win eyes become bigger when seeing Mew and his club swimming are there,Win didn't know that today they going to practice here

"Oi,why are that school here"Win
"Oh,we forgot to tell you. Today,they have practice with us"Dean

Win eyes looked at Team who looked shocked and scared because Mew are there and Win felt worry and guilty,Win quickly went to Team and patted his head to make Team broke the eyes staring at Mew 

"Hey,I'm sorry. I didn't know they will be h-"Win
"P'Win,I'm okay. Don't worry"Team 

Team say while holding Win hands and show a little smile at Win so he won't worry about him but Win understand how Team feeling so he decide to stay beside Team all the time if he had to go swim he will bring Team with him and let Team playing with the water 


Win were watching Team playing with the water using his feet,Win can't handle Team smile where it appear on Team face. Win swim towards Team faster than he can making Team realize it and smile at him 

"Fuh,so tired"Win
"Poor you,P'Win"Team
"Well,I'm not actually because you are here and willing to stay with me until this practice over"Win

Team can't say anything because of his heart beating so fast and he know Win are teasing him because Win were showing a smirk at him,Team splash the water at Win making Win giggle a little but little did they know there are someone who are watching them 

"Looks like they are having fun"Mew friend 
"I can see that"Mew
"But I warned you don't ever messed with that tattoos guy"Mew friend
"Why,are he that dangerous"Mew
"Of course he is,his name are Win. He the most strong and a fighter when he was in high school. He beat more than thousand people who trying to destroy his life,his family and his friends"Mew friend
"I bet he even more stronger than you,Mew"Mew friend

Mew just glare at his friends who were laughing at him then he looked at Team who are laughing happily with Win,Mew felt angry when looking at Team who are smiling happily with Win

"I will made sure you are mine"Mew 

To Be Continue~

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