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Shawn and y/n were out on a stroll in the morning. They were drinking coffee when they realized it tasted disgusting and dumped it all out. "Bleh" y/n said. Shawn gagged the coffee out in the corner.

"oh my god! Baby are you ok?" Y/n said. "I'm fine but you'll pay for this" Shawn said huskily. "What'd I do?!" "you'll see" Shawn said .

*At home*

Y/n had gone to take a shower I'm the downstairs bathroom as she got all sweaty after the walk. She had forgotten all about the "punishment".

She finished showering and went up to her room to find Shawn stroking his dick up and down in one hand while holding his own underwear in another. "I love you, Shawn awwwh you're so hot" Shawn moaned and groaned. Y/n was shocked.

She also found it very very very hot. "Shawn, you are very hot" "shut up fucking bitch" Shawn yelled. "Shawn uhh Mendes you're uh uh uh" Shawn kept moaning. "I love you mendess" Shawn moaned. Shawn stopped stroking his peepee.

"Come here" he ordered. She strutted over to him. "Bend down." He said in a dominative voice. Y/n complied.

He got a hold of her neck and started jerking off again. "Uh uh Shawn babyyy" Shawn moaned. He started choking y/n. "Shawn stop" y/n cried. She had tears in her eyes. Shawn ignored and kept doing what he was doing. "I'm close, uhhhhhh" he squeezed y/n's neck and she died. "Ha fucking slut" he said while kicking her dead body

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