Chapter 1: A Phone Call

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Rushing through the early hours of the morning, I had all but forgotten my cell phone . Dropping off Akira, my daughter at school I suddenly remembered my phone, checking around frantically for my phone for some minutes, I came to the conclusion that the phone isn't with me. I must have probably left it on the counter I thought before picking a car back home.

Upon reaching my doorstep, I found a white small sheet of paper slightly revealing itself under the door mat. Wondering what it entailed, I took it to find out that it had a phone number scribbled on it, with a small note which read ;

"Call me as soon as you receive this note. It's urgent." ~ Anonymous

Opening the door to my small space, I quickly head straight to kitchen to find my phone exactly where I'd thought it would be. Looking at the number once again, I shakingly dialed the digits to call.

On the second ring, the receiver picked it up and with a small voice said, " Hello, this is A&C Company Limited. How may I help you?" Suddenly a huge lump appeared in my throat and words seemed impossible to come out.

"Uhhh.... forgive me for wasting your time but .... uh ... I came home to find a note at my doorstep with this number written on it instructing me to call so I did as told." I honestly don't know what came over me to tell her that.

Silently face palming myself expecting her to end the call after a long pause she asked," Please what's your name, Ma'am?" "Lyla", I replied. "Lyla Anderson" I added after slightly hesitating. "Hmmm.... hold on a sec." She said.

It has been over 14yrs now since my parents allegedly died in a plane crash leaving me alone in this world. Allegedly because I honestly don't know, the news of the plane crash was broadcasted on almost all television and radio stations and investigations were carried out. But then after a few weeks, the news mysteriously died out and all investigations were halted and so the story I was made to believe by the owners of the orphanage I was taken to was that they died in a plane crash. The end. Anytime I tried asking questions, I was shushed up and warned never to ask questions again. I lived in the orphanage throughout my childhood until I was 10, when one night there was a fire outbreak and everyone had to flee in order to save their lives. Once again homeless, I lived on the streets, begging with the other children and learning the art of pickpocketing. I found love, or so I thought when I was 16yrs. It was a Saturday night, after a successful theft and running for fear of being caught when I collided with a slightly lean masculine guy. Falling hard on my butt, I looked up angrily at him, wiped my mouth with the back of my hand and gave him a death glare. "What is it?"I asked in a low voice still looking at him from my position on the floor. "You're.... you're beautiful." He said. "Huh?" I heard myself say out loud as I allowed him to pull me up from the floor. That kinda took me by surprise because this was no place to tell me that. "Thanks" I said slightly smiling. This was the first time I was being told this by a total stranger. "I'm Max" he said. "And you are?" "Lyla". I said quickly. "Nice name for a pretty girl huh?" he chuckled and I just smiled.

"Hello?", "hello?" came a baritone voice from the phone which was glued to my ear. Remembering I was on a call, I quickly answered, "Yes, yes, Lyla speaking." "Lyla," came a voice at the other end. It sounded familiar though, although I couldn't place it. "Yes Lyla, I'm Mr Cameron owner of A&C Company Limited and I would like to offer you a job here in this company." He said smoothly.

"But why?" I asked once again face palming for asking such a stupid question. "Why?" came the same question but in a surprised tone. "Lyla why because I want to. See, I know you and I want to help you." he continued.

"Thank you sir." I said wondering who it could be. "You're welcome my dear, I'll quickly send the address so you can come here first thing tomorrow morning for a quick interview." He said.

"Tomorrow morning sir?" I asked quite surprised. "Uhhh .... I don't think I can make it tomorrow sir." I added. "Why can't you?" he asked. "Uhhh.... I don't really have a reason but..... " I trailed off.

"It's fine." he said with a sigh. "But if you can make it tomorrow just give me a call okay?" "Okay." I responded . "Well thank you very much, it was nice speaking to you. Bye." I said quickly ending the call.

Who could it be? and how did he know me? All this and a million other questions kept rushing into mind as I prepared lunch for myself. After lunch, I took a nap with the thought of Max and how we met once again resurfacing in my mind.

After our encounter, I started seeing more of him at the bus station in that area. At night, we would go sit at the stop and talk for hours till I either slept off or asked him to go. By my appearance, he just knew I was homeless and a thief,not by my own will but circumstances brought me there and so no questions about my life was ever asked. He helped me often, buying me food, books and little stuff for my upkeep. After a month or two of being close friends Max invited me to stay with him as a roommate in his small apartment which I happen to live in to this day. Time passed and I found out I was pregnant for Max. As much as I was dissapointed in myself for having no job and money of my own but a baby, Max seemed happy with it and promised to be a good father to our baby.

Few weeks to time for which the baby would be due, Max left and never returned leaving me once again alone in this world with a baby. After giving birth, I was saved my a Catholic outreach who decided to pay for the bills and help cater for the baby when they found out I had no one.

I woke up with a start and checked the time. "Ugh, I'm late." I muttered to myself as I quickly got ready to go pick my daughter from school. Leaving the house, I checked my purse only to find a few coins staring back at me. With this, I knew I was going to walk to the school and back so I prepared for it.

After returning, I quickly washed her down and gave her food to eat. Then, I helped her with her homework with the little knowledge I had from school and the books Max bought and prepared her for bed. Although I wasn't tired since I'd slept earlier on, I also settled in bed thinking about the phone call and contemplating whether to go or not. Few minutes later sleep consumed me.

A/N. Hey guyssss, I'm actually excited about writing this book.... this is my first book actually and as such my first time doing this .... so please bare with me if there are any errors in it. Also, Please don't forget to vote, like and comment. Love you all!!!

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