Chapter 3: Meeting 2

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"Well yes, that's exactly what I said," he continued, still smiling. Realising my discomfort, he frowned a little, then drew his chair closer to the desk and in a low voice he said ."Look, I know you're a thief, well... uh ... a pickpocket actually," he quickly added.

"I've seen you on the streets at your game a couple of times, and to be honest, I'm impressed," he said with a huge smiled plastered on his face. I couldn't help but smile too. " Impressed by a pickpocket huh?" I said chuckling. Damn that sounded good to hear, I thought. "Yeah." he said slowly. "And I see you have a daughter too right?" he asked.

"Wow, I see you've been observing me for a long time." I said, more of like a question than a statement intentionally avoiding the question he asked but then he brought me back to it, avoiding mine. "Right?" he repeated and I sighed. "Yeah, right." I said quietly. "Okay let's get down to business." I said, quickly changing the topic.

He hesitated a little, clearing his throat to reduce tension but then I wanted more answers to the questions flooding my mind. Before he could begin with whatever he wanted to say, I quickly cut in and asked "First sir-", " Cameron," he interrupted. "Call me Cameron, it's much better." he said with a smile.

"Cameron," I said, a little hesitant. " Uh..... I want to know why you decided to call me and how exactly you got my address." I asked, keeping a straight face.

"Well, like I said earlier on, amongst all the people I know, I deem it fit to offer you this job." he responded. " Why?" I asked. "Why because you're a thief." he said. "A pickpocket," I corrected still with a straight face.

It sucked when people called me a thief but it's actually the same thing, just that I preferred pickpocket better.

"Yes, a pickpocket, sorry." he said. "But then you see, in every situation you're supposed to look at the good and bad side," he continued. "You're a ... thie .... uh ... a pickpocket." he corrected himself. "One of the best I've seen." he said. I silently did a happy dance in my head smiling a little at him.

"Pickpocketing is a skill, an art," he paused, "not everyone can do what you do, to even talk of the running, you're fast I must say," he concluded with a laugh. "Thanks," I said, laughing too. "Being a pickpocket, you're smart, you think very fast and can withstand pressure, and that's what I want in a personal assistant. Looking at you," he gestured with his hand, " you have all these qualities." he said with finality.

For one moment I felt happy, proud of myself even, and wanted to laugh out loud. But then, a thought struck me and I asked, "Does that mean I'll have to quit pickpocketing?" It's the only way Akira and I survived, giving it up will be a problem. "Of course not." he answered. "You can do it if you want to but that will be on you. The company will not be involved in it when you're caught, though I doubt that will ever happen." he said smiling.

"We'll only get involved when it's for the company." he added. "I'll pickpocket for the company?" I asked, a little bit surprised. "Not necessarily that Lyla," he answered. "When the time comes you'll understand." he added and I nodded in agreement.

"So how much are we talking about here?" I asked. "$2000 daily," he said quickly and I choked on saliva. "Wait, sorry what?" I asked, emerging from my coughing fit . "It'll increase with time, depending on your improvement." he said smiling.

Damn... $2000 that's cool for a start, can get a new apartment, pay Akira's fees and invest, plus money I'll get from pickpocketing.... bingo! I thought. I looked up at Cameron and returned his smile. "When would I start?" I asked, eager to begin work.

"You start next week Monday 8o'clock prompt. Don't be late." he said in a serious tone. "I won't be, Cameron, I won't." I said in an equally serious tone and he smiled. "One more thing," I said, "you still haven't told me how you got my address." I added. "Oh that?" he said laughing "let's just say I have my ways." he added, with a glint of mischief in his eyes. "Alright." I said smiling, "Nice meeting you," and once again, we shook hands.

As we neared the door, I turned and with a little smile said, "Cameron," lifting up a black bracelet which I'd removed from his wrist earlier on when we were shaking hands to meet his eyes.

He froze in his stride, staring up at the bracelet in shock, then to his wrist which I took the bracelet from, then back at the bracelet again before finally meeting my gaze. "How did you?" he asked in awe as I slowly returned the bracelet, laughing. "Let's just say, I have my ways." I replied with his words, laughing.

A/N. Okay so we're at the end of another chapter, I know this was a little bit boring but I'm sorry. Next chapter coming up.... till then, bye loves
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