Prepare To Fight!

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Second to last chapter. ;( But that's besides the point, just read the story.

Happy's Point of View :  

"Natsu!", I yelled as he was absorbed by the Krabby Patty meat.

Natsu's Point of View :

I "sat" there inside of the "monster" thinking of how to get out. Being in here makes me even more hungry. My thoughts were interrupted  by Happy yelling, "Natsu, It's still food! Just cook and eat it! But leave some for me!" True, I'm glad I thought of it. "FIRE DRAGON'S BRILLIANT FLAME!", I yelled, blowing up the Krabby Patty meat. "I said save me some Krabby Patty meat!", Happy said flying over to hug me. "Let's dig in!", I said scooping up pounds of the half burnt meat.

Erza's Point of View : 

The slide finally ended and this time I landed on my feet. I looked around and saw a giant door. It looked just like the one in the Tower of Heaven. If Jamal is in there, I should wait. I can't take all the glory for my self, plus I might need so help. I sat on the floor wondering on long this would take. I later notice the piggy guy wasn't down the chute I pushed in. Hmm.

Wendy's Point of View :

Carla and I finally got the key. Carla flew hugging the key tightly like it was her baby. "Let's hurry Carla, the others are probably waiting for us.", I said starting to sprint. After about 5 minutes, we finally reached the door and entered. "Erza!", I yelled as I saw her sitting in a dark room with a giant door. "Have the others arrived yet?", Carla asked. "No, we just have to wait some more.", Erza said depressed. I could tell she had waited long enough. I hope they come soon.

Lucy's Point of View :

After getting my keys back, I ran to the door that fell from the sky. I opened it to be greeted by Erza, Wendy, and Carla. "How long have you guys been here?", I asked going to join them sitting in a circle. "About 20 minutes.", Erza said, "4 down, 3 to go." 

Gray's Point of View :

Luckily, I actually took the cellar and it led to Team Natsu with the exception of our "leader" and mascot. "Looks like almost everybody.", I said putting my arm around Erza's shoulder. She noticed I was limping and helped me sit in their "reading circle". "Are you okay?", Lucy asked. "Just fine", I said. I hope that flame brain hurry's so we can kick that other idiot's butt.

Natsu's Point of View :

We finished eating the Krabby Patty meat when we forgot something. Jamal said there was suppose to be a prize at the middle of the maze. "Hey, Jamal!", I yelled waving my hands in the air. I heard a voice in the sky again and it said, "You already got your prize." "No we didn't!", I said Happy. "The Krabby Patty meat was your prize.", said Jamal. Me and Happy stood there with our jaws on the floor. "From what I can tell your jaws dropped, but just because you guys are annoying, you can leave now.", Jamal said. I heard a door open behind us and Jamal must have did that. "No, No, No, I want a better prize. I could get this anywhere.", I said. Before I could continue yelling at Jamal, a giant hand like the one from before grabbed me and Happy and threw us through the door. "I'm not finished with you!", I yelled before the door shut. I got up off the floor wobbling from my giant belly until I fell I and started rolling. I heard Happy yelling behind. I guess he tried to save me but his tummy caused him to fall too. Before I could throw up from my motion-sickness, I felt a familiar boot that always kicks me. "Erza!", Happy yelled.

Erza's Point of View :

"I can see you and Happy had a good lunch, you fat piece of charcoal.", Gray said. "You jealous, you skinny Popsicle!", Natsu said back. Before it could go any further, I punched them in the face. "Now that everybody's here, I guess it's time to kick Jamal's icy butt.", I said. "Before we go in, I want to take the liberty of healing everybody and waiting for Natsu to digest his food.", Wendy said. "Okay.", I said taking a seat again and waiting my turn to get healed. After about 8 minutes, we stood up ready to beat the ice out of that icey freak. Great now I sound like Natsu.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2014 ⏰

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