Zoe and jackson

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Zoe's pov
Today is the day I get to go on a date with Jackson I'm so excited but I'm really scared because I really like Jackson and I just want I want to go right and I'm going to tell him that I like him and hopefully it goes my way it is 9 o'clock in the morning and I'm gonna get up go take a shower and I'm gonna get dressed and this is what I wear

With light make up just ask her and I wanted to bring out my eyes a little bit and then I just crawl my hair and that's it and it is now 1230 in Jackson is coming to get me at one because Payton and Ashlyn are going on a date and me and Jackson ar...

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With light make up just ask her and I wanted to bring out my eyes a little bit and then I just crawl my hair and that's it and it is now 1230 in Jackson is coming to get me at one because Payton and Ashlyn are going on a date and me and Jackson are going on a date so we just decided the same times
Jackson pov
I wake up I get in the shower and I think today is the day I get to take this beautiful girl out on a date and I'm really hoping that she likes me because I'm gonna tell her that I like her today and I really want her to be my girlfriend so I'm gonna ask her and we're gonna see how it goes I'm really scared but let's do it I get out of the shower and I put this on

With light make up just ask her and I wanted to bring out my eyes a little bit and then I just crawl my hair and that's it and it is now 1230 in Jackson is coming to get me at one because Payton and Ashlyn are going on a date and me and Jackson ar...

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Because I know that she likes red
Zoe's pov
Jackson text me saying that he's here so I go outside and I get in the car and I look at him and he looks so handsome I can't Jackson literally makes my heart melt like I just I fall apart when I see him he's so beautiful oh my God and he has an amazing personality and I just I like him all the way around but I'm scared to tell him because I don't think he feels the same way about me but we're going to find out and if not well it was worth a shot. He looks at me and says "you look very beautiful" with the chest smile "thank you, you don't look bad yourself" I say hard core blushing.
We go to the mall then we go to the movies and it's a scary move and I jump and he grabs and hand and says "it's ok I am right here" and I smile at him and I move closer to him and he wraps his arm around me and it's so great
After the move we go and eat and we are sitting there and we get done eating and we kinda talk and I need to tell him that I don't live here that way we don't get too far into it and then I have time I have to leave " Jackson I need to tell you something" " OK is everything OK"
"On those are something I need to tell you so I don't actually live here I live in Kansas and we came out to surprise our best friend and then I met you and it's been great don't get me wrong I just wanted to tell you just in case that changes your mind about me or whatever you have going on in your teenage boy brain up there and yeah"
I say nervously " well there's something I need to tell you as well so I am a teenage boy yes but I also have 1 million followers on Instagram and like 6 million on TikTok and I don't want that to change you like your view of me" he says "That's not gonna change the way I look at you you're still a teenage boy doing teenage boy things living your life I'm not gonna change my perspective of you because you have millions of followers or any of that that doesn't change who you are Jackson
Is still Jackson and that's that" I say with a smile " well Zoe there's also something else I need to tell you so ever since like Ashlyn and Payton started hanging out we started hanging out it's been great for me hopefully it's been great for you but I know one thing I am sure of one thing and that one thing is that I like you I really do and I've been scared to tell you because I didn't know how you were going to feel about it but I thought that now you told me that you don't live here you have to leave but it's better now shoot my shot now than later" he says with a smile " Jackson that's really sweet of you I do like you as well I was going to tell you tonight but I was scared to because after I told you I had to leave I didn't think that you would want to continue this but if you do that's great if you don't that's fine" I say " well Zoe can I ask you a question" he says " yeah sure what's up" I say " Zoe since I like you and you like me I was wondering if you would want to be my girlfriend" he says holding my hand "OMG I would love to" "wait really" he said "omg yeah"

And that's when Zoe and Jackson got together

Skip to after both dates
Ashlyns pov
We all get back to the house and we all tell each other that we all had a great day and then the news comes Payton goes up in front of everybody which is just the four of us but you know because Lindsay is now home so Lindsay doesn't know any of us are dating and we all need to tell her " Lindsay I have something to tell you" I say "ok what's up" " well while you were out with your boyfriend I went on a date with Payton and turns out we like each other and we are now dating"
"omg that's great I am so happy for you" she says hugging me
"Zoe your turn" I say and she gets up and says " Lindsay while you were with your boyfriend me and Jackson on a date and we are now dating as well"
"My girls are not single anymore my baby's are growing up"she says while hugging us both she looks at the boys and said " if you hurt them I will hurt you both and don't think I won't" she said with a death stare and a smile
Skip to a couple hours later
It's time for the boys to go home
"I will see you later" he says sad "yeah I will text you or something" I say he says ok giving me a big hug and a kiss
Zoe says by to Jackson and they do there thing as well and Linsday says by to her boyfriend and his name is Cameron and we all talk and go to sleep

Long distance with Payton/ Payton Moormeier storyWhere stories live. Discover now