Ch: 7 The Grand Feast Pt.2

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After the young omegas and betas had chopped the vegetables and cleaned the meat, they handed over the ingredients to the older omegas who were currently busy setting up the great fire for cooking.
With their part over in the preparation of the feast, the young omegas and betas ran towards the flower hill to make flower crowns for themselves and the Alphas of the village.
Jimin, Jin and Hosoek ran towards the flower hill with small baskets of wicker hanging from their arms.

They huffed as the reached the top of the hill.

They could see the entire village busy with the preparation from the top of the hill. The sun was almost at the top of the sky, indicating that noon was near. The gentle breeze of the spring grazed their delicate skins as they looked over the huge field of beautiful flowers in their full bloom. They giggled as they started picking up the most beautiful flowers.

The weather was cozy and warm. Young omegas and betas were scattered all around the hill. But almost no one walked up to the top, where the best flowers grew.
The three friends happily chatted as they made flower crowns for themselves and someone else.

Jimin was glowling as he stitched the yellow lilies together. Seeing him radiant made the other two share a look and smile.
'So.....who's behind that smile of yours?' Asked Jin teasingly. They all knew who was, but it was fun watching Jimin blush like a tomato.
Jimin smiled wider, if possible, as his eyes turned into beautiful crescent moons. A bright blush decorated his cheeks, making him took absolutely breathtaking. 'Jungkook hyung. It has always been him' Jimin said happily as his scent turned even sweeter, indicating that the omega was really happy.
The other two were looking at the adorable omega with an expression of 'awe'.
Jimin felt their stare on him making him blush ten times more but soon an idea popped in his mind as he smirked and looked at the beta of the group. Hosoek sensing the younger's thoughts visibly gulped and went back to stitching his flowers together till he heard Jimin speak again.
'You know hyung' Jimin said in a overly sweet voice making the beta grow cautious and Jin grow curious. 'Hosoek hyung likes someone' he said teasingly clearly enjoying the view the the beet red beta.
'WHAT!!! And you didn't even bother telling me? You brat!' Jin reacted dramatically faking anger.
Hosoek knew that it was time to bring the cat out of the bag cause if he didn't, then he wouldn't be sleeping for the night. He sighed  nervously as he fiddled with the hem of his silk shirt. 'He is Al..p..p.ha.' Cursing himself internally for stuttering.

'Wow hyung wouldn't have guessed!' Jimin answered sarcastically. Hosoek looked at Jimin and rolled his eyes before continuing. 'I saw him this morning when I went to the infirmary looking for you. When I reached there I saw this handsome alpha who told me that you'd already left for the preparation. He had the most dreamy eyes, he was so tall and handsome and had this gorgeous boxy smile I swear it made me melt on spo....' Hosoek trailed off when he realized he was blabbering and blushed deeply when he saw the expression of the other two. They both were looking at him with sparkling eyes and a teasing grin on their faces. 'What was his name Hobi?' Jin asked in a soft voice, a warm smile adoring his handsome face. 'Taehyung. Kim Taehyung' Hosoek said with a dreamy expression. Jimin who was preparing to tease the beta immediately stopped when he heard the name. 'Taehyung? You mean Taehyung? Was he wearing a bandana?!' He asked in one breath. Hosoek looked shocked that the younger knew the alpha but nodded eagerly. 'Oh my God! He's Kookie's best friend hyung!Jimin said happily making the other two smile and hug the little omega.

While Jimin and Hosoek were discussing about their alphas. Jin listened to them with a warm smile. He was happy for them and secretly wished a handsome alpha with dimples for himself, as he finally finished stitching the flower crowns together.

It was noon when the three friends decided to head back to the village as the drums will start beating not too long after to welcome the young Alphas in the feast as the young omegas and betas stand on either sides to honour the young alphas with their flower crowns.

Back at the infirmary:

Jungkook along with all the other Alphas in the infirmary had slept like little babies. It had been a  long time since they had experienced soft comfortable beds which relaxed their muscles instantly.
Back at the training centre they didn't had the privilege of soft mattresses. Their bodies were used to the hard beds, so now when their bodies finally met with such softness, it instantly lulled them to sleep.

Jungkook was dreaming about Jimin while holding the pillow he stole earlier from the hut. He was dreaming of holding the omega right in his arms in the flower field. He was leaning down to kiss the beautiful Omega's pillowy lips, their lips were almost touching when he was suddenly woken with the loud voice of a certain alpha. By 'certain' I mean Taehyung.

Jungkook scrunched up his nose and opened his eyes in complete irritation. He had almost kissed those lips! Jungkook was angry when he opened his eyes, which were red indicating his alpha was not satisfied with the sudden disturbance. He slowly rose up from bed while rubbing the sleep from his eyes while his scent turned sour.
He finally opened his eyes to see Taehyung along with the other two Alphas trying to hold their laughter. He looked at them confusingly till it finally hit him making him go instant red with embarrassment as the other three bursted into laughter. Jungkook had been  unconsciously making out with Jimin's pillow while sleeping. Before his friends get a chance to embarrass him further he immediately changed the topic. He looked around and saw the infirmary was almost empty expect the four of them and two Alphas at the far end of the room. 'Where are the others?' Jungkook asked in a husky voice deep with sleep.
'All had left for the Great Bath in the River of the Moon. We wanted to wake you up but we concluded you were busy' Taehyung bursted out into laughter immediately after saying it. The other two didn't even bother stopping their laughter.
Jungkook was beyond embarrassed as he swiftly got up from his bed and took the folded clothes his mother had kept for him at the foot of the bed.
He stormed passed his friends who were imitating Jungkook making out with the pillow only to burst out laughing again, muttering a low 'bitch'.
Seeing Jungkook walking away made his friends finally stop laughing and grab their clothes and running up to the youngest, muttering a series of sorrys.

The four Alphas walked up to the River of the Moon which was a sacred river to all the wolfs of the mountain pack. Bathing in the river was considered holy.
On reaching the river, they saw the young alphas taking dips in the water and rising up from the water a few seconds later to look up at the sun with closed palms and asking for a wish. It was said that after an alpha come backs home, he should bath in the river and can ask the Sun God for one wish and in the upcoming days fight for the wish to be fulfilled. If the Sun God is impressed by your hard work by the first Equinox of the year, your wish will be granted.
The four alphas stripped themselves off their clothes as they lowered themselves in the cool and calm waters to the river. Staying underwater for about 10 second, they thought about their wishes, they rose up from the water while looking at the sun which shone brightly over them, with closed palms as they slowly closed their eyes imagining their wishes asking the Sun God to grant it to them if they deemed worthy of it by the first Equinox of the year.
Jungkook's mind was filled with only the face of a beautiful omega named Jimin. He wanted nothing more than to be the happiness behind the Omega's smile. He wanted to be the reason behind the omegas pride. He wished for a future with Jimin.

After the Alphas had bathed they came back to the infirmary to change into the beautiful clothes sent to them by their families while they had gone for the great bath.
Jungkook wore a beautiful white silk shirt which had the most beautiful designs on it. Just by looking at the designs he could tell that it was the work of none other than Jimin. He pulled up the tight leather pants and tied his black leather boots. He parted his hair to the side, exposing his forehead and he rolled back the sleeves of his shirt to expose his veiny arms, in which he held Jimin in the morning, a smile etched across his face at the thought of the memory.
The other three alphas looked equally wonderful as they stepped out of the infirmary one after the other to join the group of all the young alphas as they followed Chanyeol leading the way.
Jungkook's heart was drumming in his chest. He was going to see the omega again. He mentally made a note to bow only in front of Jimin for the flower crown. He will not bow for any other omega or beta. While Taehyung had a similar determination to bow only in front of a certain beta with a sunshine of a smile.


The Grand Feast Pt.3 coming soon.

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