Ch 20 : The Courting - Day 1 Pt.2

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Jimin was sitting on a chair, his were eyes fixed on the chopped meat kept on the bowl in front of him. His heart was beating really hard in his ribcage as he unconsciously stroked Eclipse's erect ears. The omega was nervous, he was not cooking just a lunch, he was cooking to impress Jungkook. This was his time to flaunt his brilliant cooking skills, but he was nervous 'What if Jungkook doesn't likes it?' 'What if Jungkook pukes just after the first bite?' 'What if he fails to impress the Alpha?' All these uncomfortable thoughts invaded his mind as his sweet scent started turning sour.

The kitten who was enjoying the Omega's affection caught on the sour pheromones as he let out a soft 'meow' and pawed the hand that was caressing his ears, trying to distract the omega from whatever's causing him distress. Hearing the little kitten, Jimin snapped out of his thoughts and looked down. He didn't understand at first but then he caught on his own sour scent causing him to scratch the back of his neck, 'Sorry Lipsy, I am too nervous.' Eclipse looked into Jimin's eyes for sometime before he tried climbing up Jimin's torso and when he succeeded, the kitten rubbed his little nose on the Omega's scent gland, it was the kitten's way to saying 'Everything will be allright'. Jimin smiled at the sweet affection as he picked the kitten up from his neck and placed a gentle kiss on its forehead, 'Thanks little one, that's all I needed' the omega said in a soft voice as he stood up from the chair and placed the kitten on his place instead.

Nobody was allowed in the hut till the Omega was done cooking. The omegas are expected to cook the meat hunted by their soon-to-be-mates, with love and care. It was their chance to impress their Alphas with their cooking skills. The omega cooks for the entire family, but it's the Alpha who takes the first bite as the rest of the family members follows. This is exactly what made Jimin nervous, he wanted to cook his best recipe for the Alpha. He was determined to impress the Alpha.

Jimin placed the cabbages, onions, garlic, ginger, carrots, tomatoes, peppers, salt, sugar and different spices on the table. Five different knives were placed neatly at the far end of the dining table. He picked up the sharpest knife which was rectangular in shape and was slightly heavier than the rest, this knife can slice anything. Jimin placed the wooden chopping board and looked back at the small black kitten who was sitting on top of a chair looking at Jimin with great interest. 'Wish me luck Lipsy', Jimin said in an excited tone making the kitten send a 'meow' in return. The omega smiled at the kitten's adorable reaction as he picked up a blue bandanna with intricate leaf designs on it and tied it on his forehead, keeping his locks away from his eyes. He huffed as he washed the vegetables in the cold water and placed them on bowls one by one. He chopped all of them finely before he picked up the large chunks of Buffalo meat and diced them into smaller pieces. He then added salt, pepper, a little bit of garlic, chopped green chillies and bit of other spices and mixed them together before he set the meat aside and covered the bowl with a white cloth letting the ingredients sit for a while. He picked up a wok and placed it on the stove, adjusting the temperature for the wok to heat up. His technique was very neat and swift. All this while, Eclipse was watching the omega, his mouth shaped as an 'o' as he watched the omega cook so swiftly and effortlessly. This is not the first time he's seeing Jimin cook, but today he seemed to be more focused and graceful with his cooking.

Jimin added oil in the wok when he saw it was hot enough, he emptied the bowl containing all the ingredients and vegetables he will be using to cook the meat one by one, waiting for the oil to catch up on each of the flavours before he added the next. This was Jimin's speciality, he knew certain techniques which almost none of the omegas in his village knew, except his two friends. When he saw the vegetables turning soft he added the marinated meat into the wok. A sizzling sound was heard as the meat met contact with the bubbling hot oil. He sautéed the ingredients along with the meat, a beautiful and delicious aroma filled the hut after some time, before he placed a steel lid on the wok waiting for the moisture and heat to cook the meat on its own.

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