The Beginning of a Worthy Journey

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"Elizabeth! Breakfast is ready!" Elizabeth woke up to the sound of her Mom calling for her.  " One sec' mom!" Elizabeth yelled, letting out a groan afterwards. Elizabeth dragged her feet down the stairs, having a good view of the food presented on the dining table, the food being stacks of golden pancakes and eggs that looked like suns. That food described her mother's mood perfectly. Elizabeth pulled out a chair and took a seat. 

"You are in a very chipper mood." Elizabeth grumbled. "Need a drink, hon?" Her mother inquired, completely ignoring what her daughter said. "Is there any orange juice?" Elizabeth asked, taking a bite of the pancakes. "We have some. Let me go get it for you," her mom replied. As she was pouring the orange juice, dad came down. He examined Elizabeth's face for a minute or two.  "Hey, Elizabeth, you don't look too excited to go to Amelia's house-" He was cut off by his shocked daughter. Elizabeth nearly dropped her fork. " AMELIA?! DAD, MOM, WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME?!" 

Amelia was a very close friend of Elizabeth's. They had been friends ever since Pre-k, so of course they would be begging for play dates. Dad opened his mouth for a word to come out, then lost it and closed it again. "Hurry up and eat your breakfast! The faster you eat, the faster you can get to Amelia's house!" Mom exclaimed enthusiastically. Elizabeth quickly ate her breakfast and dressed into a long sleeved shirt that Amelia gave her, and some jeans. Her mom prepared for her a bag with drinks and some food. She kissed her parents goodbye and went on her journey. 

 Meanwhile, Dad watched as his daughter left out the door. "I mean... shouldn't we have drove her to Amelia's house...?" Dad asked. Mom stayed silent, for a moment, then replied, "Well, we ARE supposed to be the stupid characters, and let our daughter out on her own in the wild, hungry, and with the possibility of death, soooooooo... and somebody's literally typing these words right now, so... yeah.".  "Oh, okay." Dad said. and they both just sat there.....

 and they both just sat there

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