Stay on the Path Part 2

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Elizabeths eues fluttered open. She tried to move but couldn't. In fact, she couldn't talk either!  She had been tied up. She started to breath heavily and started to panic. It did not help that she saw her friend tied up, like her. She struggles but could not break free of the rope that was tightly tied around her. She ground on the cloth that was in between her two sets of teeth until she could finally talk. She kicked Amelia who immediately woke up. "Goot ot! Oots Cooming!" she told her, kind of yelling. Elizabeth told her to grind on the cloth, and soon enough, it came out. "Get out! it's coming!" Amelia repeated once more.  "I- I don't know what you mean!" Elizabeth yelled. 

They heard footsteps as a shadow appeared. Now Elizabeth knew, what's coming will not be fun.

The two girls struggles to break free of the tight rope. They soon enough put a tear in the rope until it was fully broken ( Survival tip: When tied with rope, use the rope to grind against The other rope, and soon enough, it'll break.) 

They scrambled to the back of the room. Elizabeth started to move away from the back to give more space, but failed and whatever was going for the two girls sprinted toward Elizabeth. Elizabeth let out a scream of death before Amelia took the hit. Amelia had a strong body, She smiled, then said "S-somebody's going to come save you, h-huh?" Until she collapsed. Then stood back up. Amelia was alive! Just... not really her. Amelia's hair had grown to now a very long cut. Her color was paler that usual, and her eyes were crimson red. That was not Amelia.

Amelia shuffled toward Elizabeth Lazily. Elizabeth slowly walked back. She gasped in horror as Amelia's hand grew bigger and bigger. Amelia threw a punch, in which Elizabeth took it. Elizabeth started to  feel dizzy and fainted.

Elizabeth woke up in a hospital bed, and as soon as her eyes opened, she was greeted with presents, flowers and cards. her mom hugged her and cried while her dad was wiping away his tears. She started to cry as well. She couldn't believe what happened when she was told. "You... had a long journey. *sniff *  A man about in his 20's and a girl about the same age saved  *sniff* you." She said in between sniffles. 

All I know for now is that Amelia is in juvenile, But who knows, she could be escaping as you read.  

The End

Also, please go check out my friend AngelicHeartBeat! She writes X Readers and fanfiction, and she is currently working on an Alastor X Reader! If you like Hazbin Hotel, go check it out! Please give her some love!

Thanks for reading! Peace!


If you read this abomination of a book, I'm so sorry that you had to read this lol. I really wish I could rewrite this, but I'm very busy with school and have no motivation to write books like this whatsoever, I'm truly sorry. Still, thank you for making it to the very end, and goodnight. 

(yes, you're going to sleep now cuz I said so. I'm so devious😈😈)

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